Wednesday, February 11, 2009
OH. MY. GOSH. Mac & Cheese
I made it on Monday with BBQ chicken on the grill.
You've GOT to try it. And then you will love me after.
Friday, February 6, 2009
I made the alfredo
**Flashback Friday**

A couple questions...
Have you found a picture of yourself when you were little? I'm excited to see Britt's new blog make over. I was thinking that if you can't find one of you with a toy that we can make things more simple and just do one of us with out a toy OR we can just do Britt's original idea.
What are you guys doing for V-day? What are you giving your hubbies? I can't think of anything to give Jared. I kind of want to make something for him but I'm not sure what to do.
I want, I want, I want...

Scrap Girls, LLCFebruary 6, 2009
Scrap Girls Convention 2009 - Digital Scrap Link (Connections Live)
You asked for it. You begged for it. You have emailed us and sent us private messages pleading for us to open the sign-ups for this year's convention because you don't want to miss it. And so here it is... we are pleased to announce that you can finally sign up for the Scrap Girls digital scrapbooking convention!
Note: The venue only allows us to offer 126 seats. So don't delay signing up or you may miss out!
Here are the facts:
When: October 8-10th
Note: Convention begins at 1:00 pm - Thursday, October 8th and ends at 6 pm - Saturday, October 11th.
Only 126 openings are available. Space is limited because we have chosen a location that will allow us to provide a more intimate experience for you. We want our attendees to get to know each other and come away with friends for life! But this means if you want to attend the convention, you better sign up right now. (Besides, you'll be able to watch and buy the best airline seats available!)
If you happen to miss the sign up, send an email to and we'll put you on a contact list. If someone suddenly can't attend, we will have them post their opening on the message board, will email you, and you can work it out with them to take over their spot.
Location: To-die-for historic building called the "Officer's Club," located at Fort Douglas. We were there last year and it was excellent!
How much does the event cost?
Only **$295. Read below to see how much you will be receiving and you'll see what a great deal this is!
What will we be doing?
And, oh yeah... digital scrapbooking!
Who will be teaching classes?
*Some of the teachers include...
Brandy Murry
Erica Hite
Angie Briggs
Shalae Tippetts
Cherise Oleson
Laurel Lakey
Marnie Adams
Brandie Valenzuela
Melanie Johnson
The classes are going to be amazing. We've been working hard on the curriculum so that the classes will be even better than last year! (We have taken the feedback from the post-convention survey seriously because we love to make things better!)
Food! You will receive the following meals with your registration:
Two dinners
Two lunches
A gift bag that contains...
A Collection Biggie designed especially for convention
PDFs of all of the class handouts
Treats - both healthy and "unhealthy" (Hey, we have to have some chocolate. This is a Scrap Girls event we are talking about!)
And more!
You'll be receiving a welcome email with your registration, containing information about hotels, transportation from the airport, and other important facts. Make sure you put in your friends/safe list so you will receive it. If you don't, please send an email to and ask for help.
* The teacher list may change slightly (because family emergencies do happen, right?), but we'll make sure you have awesome classes! As a note: The classes you'll be attending will NOT be beginning classes. You should be familiar with the types of skills taught in Scrapbook Software Secrets Revealed and MORE Scrapbook Software Secrets Revealed tutorial programs available in the Scrap Girls Boutique or equivalent prior to attending the convention. Our classes will be meant to expand your knowledge and skills.
Hope I see you there!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
BBQ Anyone?

I don't have an exact recipe so I'll just tell you how I make it.
Throw 2 bone less chicken breasts into the crock pot & put enough water in so they are almost covered. I usually put mine in frozen & then leave them on high for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Then scoop out about 2 cups of the water & add a bottle of BBQ sauce. YES, I put in the whole thing. Switch it to Low & let it cook for another hour-then go back and shred all the chicken & mix the sauce all into it. I let it sit for about another half hour (still on low) & serve it on a hamburger bun with whatever sides sound good & easy. It is finger lickin good!! (AND SO EASY!!
You can also freeze it and heat it up so fast! Sorry if I always add recipes that are "old news"! I'm trying to get more creative, but it isn't working out to well for me! hehe
dinner tonight - Alfredo Tortellini
Alfredo Tortellini
1 (8 oz) pkg cheese tortellini
1 cup ham, diced
(8 oz) cream cheese
1 pkg dry Italian dressing
1 can cream of chicken soup
1/2 cup milk
1/2 stick butter
Add tortellini to a large pot of boiling salted water and let cook for 8 to 10 minutes. Meanwhile, heat a skillet to medium heat. Add the cream cheese, butter, cream of chicken soup, Italian dressing, and milk and stir until smooth. Once smooth, add in ham and stir to coat. After the tortellini finishes boiling, drain, then add to cream sauce. Stir to evenly coat and serve warm.
Doesn't it look and sound so yummy! And it seems pretty easy too. I seriously can't wait to try it. I've got to go get some French Bread at the store to go with. YUMMMMMM!!!!!