(this is my dad with Christian's daughter, Ella)
My dad got called as a Bishop of a BYU ward!! He got sustained and set apart last night. He doesn't technically start until Fall (just how the BYU wards work) but he's very excited and we're all excited for him. It's a huge job, but I think he's going to be REALLY good at it. We went to his setting apart last night and guess who was there - Adam Rassmussen. His dad, Carl Rassmussen (remember him? He was and STILL IS a Band Dad) is going to be the ward clerk in my dad's bishopric. Adam didn't even acknowledge I was there. Maybe he doesn't remember me. I don't know. I was going to say hi, but he really acted like I wasn't there. So I didn't. There was a cute girl holding a cute baby that looked EXACTLY like him, so I assume it was his wife and baby, but I don't know for sure. Anyway - random huh??
Let's see . . . what else . . .
We're going to Disneyland AGAIN in about 2 and a half weeks. Morgan (my cousin) and her hubby are going on a cruise for their anniversary and they get back on a Saturday and they want to meet us in Disneyland for a day of adult Disneyland fun. They went in December with their little girls but didn't get to ride ANY of the adult thrill rides, so we're going to do all of them in one day! HAHA It should be wild! I am VERY EXCITED! While we are out there we are going to see Josh's grandparents (they live in So. Cal.) Josh is going to go golfing with his grandpa who is like 92 and still golfs a couple times a week! Can you believe that?! He's been wanting to that for a long time, so that'll be good. Should be a fun little weekend getaway.
The weekend of May 1st, is National Scrapbooking Day. I'm REALLY busy getting ready for it. Each of the administrators at ScrapMatters is sort of in charge of one of the big events/sales that we have and NSD is mine. I'm planning lots of fun stuff. Should be fun. Lots of work, but oh well! It'll be great. We have an awesome team there and they are helping me with LOTS of the planning.
Ok . . . let me think of one more tid-bit to tell you and then I'll sign off . . . hmm.
I'm reading an AWESOME book for book club right now. Les I know you are into books, so I'm sure you've heard of it. It's called "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins. I'm about 2/3 through it and I'm DYING!!! It's soooo good. I NEVER want to put it down. I want to bag work and go back to reading it right now. If you need a good book to read, check it out. Shan - I bought it so you can borrow mine if you want. I went to see if I could get it at the library before I bought it and there were like 150 holds on it!!!! haha So I decided to just suck it up and buy it. I can't WAIT to see how it ends!!! When I'm done I'll probably do a full review on my Britt-ish Designs blog.
Ok - that's enough ramblings from me!!! Shanny - I think this means its your turn to post!!
Love you girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!