So today has been nothing but BAD! It all started last night when Ethan woke up at 1am crying and never really went back to sleep. We got up late which means we were rushing out the door to church. We had to sit in the very back on the hard, noisy, metal chairs. Ethan missed his morning nap and was all over the place at church. He didn't want to be held & he didn't want to play with any of the toys I brought. He just wanted to walk around do his own thing. Jared finally gave in and took him out into the hall so he could walk around. After sacrament we have sharing time and that is a big joke! The kids always want to play with him instead of listening. Ethan of course wants to walk all around the room and get into everyone bags and what ever else he can find. So either Jared or I have to entertain him while the other one is trying to get seven 5 year
olds to stop talking and touching their neighbor and listen to the speaker. Then it was on to class. I taught about forgiveness but the kids weren't really interested in the lesson. Instead they kept talking to their neighbors and the girls kept trying to hold Ethan. One little girl named Hannah asked to go to the bathroom and right after she said that 2 more said they had to go and one wanted to get a drink. I told everyone no potty brakes or drink brakes until after the lesson. Unfortunately Hannah really had to go to the bathroom and as she got up to help me with the lesson she had an accident. I felt
sooo bad. I rushed her downstairs to find her mother and mortified I had to tell her mother that she had an accident and that it was all my fault. I was to frustrated to let her and all of the other kids go that the bathroom. On top of that there was this RUDE lady sitting in the hall with her daughter (who is in my class but refused to come to class) giving me the evil eye. Then when I get back to class the kids are coloring their activity and Jared has lost all patience with them so he was being kind of short with them and me. Then he has the nerve to tell me that when Hannah asks to use the bathroom she needs to go then. I was so mad! Why didn't you say that in the first place! I then used one of Ethan's diapers to clean up Hannah's pee, finished helping the kids make their handouts and then we left. Ethan is finally down for a nap and I feel like taking one too. Sometimes it's so hard to be a mom and a primary teacher.
Oh I am so sorry Shan! That sounds like a crapper of a Sunday! Plus I always hate when Sundays are ruined, because then I feel like I chased away the spirit on the one day that I can really look forward to being uplifted by it. My day was also a doosie, but I'll have to tell that story another time. Are there any newly weds in your ward that would love to watch Ethan while you teach? I'm sure if there are they would love it! The most comfort I can give is to tell you I can somewhat understand!
ugh. Not just a mom & a p. teacher... but a working mom, a wife, a housekeeper, etc. etc. Oh how I do feel your pain. And I agree w/Les; why is it Sunday has to be so stinkin difficult? Then it becomes absolutely pointless to follow the commandment of going to church b/c you get NOTHING but a pissed off self & bad attitude back. SO Sorry! I HAVE been there..more than once. Keep your head up, you are better than you give yourself credit for! next week may be better, but don't be surprised if it isn't. such is life. just keep swimming, just keep swimming.
oh Shan I'm sorry! I am actually surprised they have you guys teaching primary when you have a younger than nursery age kid. Do you dare talk to the Primary president about it? It seems too hard! That really does suck. I'm sorry you had a crazy day. If it makes you feel any better, Josh and I were the only nursery leaders who showed up today and we had 10 nursery kids to entertain for 2 hours!!
I'm so blessed to have so many friends that love me! Thanks guys you made my day :)
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