Now I need to interrupt my story to give you a little back ground about our toaster. Many, many, many months ago our toaster broke and wouldn't pop the bread up when it was done toasting. BUT it would pop the bread up if you unplugged the toaster. So instead of buying a new one we've just been using it like this.
Now back to my story. I walk into the kitchen thinking that Jared forgot he had bread in the toaster and that the bread would be over done. Well to my surprise the bread is not only over done it's on FIRE! I quickly unplug the toaster in hopes that the flames will go out but they don't so I think to myself do I pour water on it or do I put baking soda on it. I'm some what stunned that this is even happening and I run to the hallway and yell to Jared that the toaster is on fire. I put Ethan down and the go back to the kitchen. Now the flames are getting bigger and I'm really freaking out. So I grab a kitchen town, open the back door and then throw the toaster into the snow. Then I start opening all of the windows and doors because our whole house if full of smoke and I mean real smoke. It's so smokey that I can hardly see. Then I start turning on our ceiling fans and I look out side to see that the stupid toaster is still on fire! I grab a pot from the sink fill it up with water and walk outside in my garments and dump the water on the toaster. After a big hissing sound the flames are gone. But just to make sure I dump too more pan fulls of water on the toaster. At this point Jared is finally out of the shower and comes into the kitchen. I tell him what has just happened and he laughs...and then I start laughing. Jared said that he put the bread in the toaster and then went to change Ethan and totally forgot about it.
We then spent the next hour trying to get the smoke out of our house and I'm still trying to get rid of the burnt toast smell. It's horrible! One good thing came from this wonderful experience. We found out that our smoke detectors don't work. Not one of them went off! Check your smoke detectors my friends and make sure they work! And if your toaster is broken throw it out and buy a new one. 

This is the toaster sitting in the snow
This is the burnt toast
This is the bottom of the toaster. The whole thing melted and burnt away. It was made of plastic and as I threw the toaster outside melted plastic got everywhere.
Here is where the toaster use to sit.
And this is what the cupboard above the toaster looks like. We were so lucky that our whole kitchen didn't start on fire.
OH MY WORD SHAN!!!! Holy crap. You ARE really lucky your house didn't burn down! Or at least your kitchen. Wow. Crazy. Now I wish I would have gotten you a toaster for Christmas!!!
HOLY CANOLI! That was hilarious...I was laughing out loud & then read it to Matt. I can just picture you outside in the snow in your undies! HAHA!!! I'm glad no one got hurt & that your house didn't start on fire!!
I laughed out loud and read it to Josh too!! HAHAHA!! :)
SHAN!! I can't believe that! You are SOOO lucky! I hope you get Ethan a new toaster! Good thinking on chucking the toaster in the snow!! I laugh so hard! But am glad everything is ok!
Yikes! Too funny. That is a good alert about the smoke detectors... they say that more people die in fires because smoke detectors never went off to warn them. Good thing you found out without a tragedy. Glad you're ok; can you afford a new toater, cuz mine's on the fritz so I'll be buying a new one soon as well!
Shan! thanks so much for sharing this story! it made me laugh. thanks!!!!! I'm so glad things only ended up with a burn spot on the underside of the cabinet and not a burning house. If I'd known you needed a toaster I would have gotten you the last $9.95 Hello Kitty toaster at target ;) Love you!
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