You may or may not know that Chad has been having some interesting hair and facial hair for the last year or so. He grew his hair out long & grew a scruffy patchy beard (I'm sorry to say that the Rodee's have very unfortunate facial hair). Everyone always gave him a hard time about looking like Hobo Joe, but after a while I decided to quit saying anything because I felt like we just needed to love and accept him no matter how homeless he was looking.
(This is Chad's 'look' at Thanksgiving.)
I'm not saying I don't like the long hair/scruffy look. Hello - have you seen my husband? I think the reason we all hated it so much is because it just didn't seem like CHAD to us. You know??
But he finally decided it was time for a change, so he cut his long hair and shaved. But he didn't shave clean - he left A MUSTACHE. And a little soul patch, but it was the mustache that was the worst. Here is Chad on Christmas morning lookin' like . . . well I don't want to say, but its not good.

But he finally decided it was time for a change, so he cut his long hair and shaved. But he didn't shave clean - he left A MUSTACHE. And a little soul patch, but it was the mustache that was the worst. Here is Chad on Christmas morning lookin' like . . . well I don't want to say, but its not good.
This picture doesn't even do justice to the weirdness of that mustache!!
So ok - Christmas morning - we're all sitting at the table eating breakfast after our presents have all been opened. Chad got a new Salt Lake Real hat that was bright red and yellow with white mesh. Like a trucker hat sort of, which he was wearing. He also go this long sleeved soccer jersey that has all these logos and insignia on it from Chile that Scotty sent him, which is also wearing. He's sitting straight in front of me and without really thinking I just say - "Chad, you look like a Nascar fan". He immediately flicks his hat off and drops his jaw like I just said "Chad you're really ugly" or something. He's obviously offended!
Chad says "That is like the worst thing you could have said." And I said "I wasn't trying to be rude, its just with the hat, and the jersey and the mustache . . . " and he says "I know - you're right. That's why Im freaking out. You're right. I want to shave right now! You could have said I looked like anything else, but a NASCAR FAN!? That's the worst." (Remember Chad's really into cars and apparently Nascar is not cool in his book). It was really funny and we all laughed and kept on eating. Eventually Chad gets up and leaves the room. No one really noticed or anything. We just assumed he was done eating or something.
Literally 5 minutes later Chad comes back and I catch a glimpse of him but his back is sort of turned to me. . . wait could it be . . . did he just go SHAVE?! He turns toward me a little more and I say "DID YOU JUST GO SHAVE?!" and he turns toward us all and sure enough THE MUSTACHE IS GONE. The entire table bursts into crazy laughter! "That's all it took!?" "You just got up like 5 minutes ago!!!" We are all just dying! He FINALLY looked like the old Chad we knew and loved. He trimmed but left the soul patch, but I don't mind it!
It was probably the funniest and best thing that happened on that Christmas morning! He looks soooo much cuter. So much cuter in fact, that like a day after he shaved his 'stache he finally kissed the girl he's been dating . . . coincident??
So that's the tale of Chad's mustache. :) Hope you enjoyed it. See ya!
LOL! That is an awesome story! I'm so glad he cut his hair. He looks so much better. I still have this image of pre-mission Chad so to see these pictures of him blows me away. I can't believe how big he is and that he's a grown man now. It's so weird to watch your own siblings grow up but even more weird to watch your friends siblings grow up. Crazy! I'm so glad to hear that he's dating.
Britt, this is HILARIOUS! What a funny story! I am pretty sure this is going to make one fabulous LO!!
Ok I found a picture that actually does justice to his mustache. paste this URL into your browser and hang on to your chair:
Everytime I see him I think he looks so much like your dad! Espically with the long hair and facial hair. I think of your dad when he was really young and first married. I don't know why, it's not like I new your dad then. Maybe I've seen pictures or something.
Wow,I was being a real Lame-O about not commenting here either! I laughed the first time I read about this because I happened to see Chad on facebook & thought he looked a little "scruffy". I won't ever be able to picture Chad any other way than he was when we were in HS. He is such a happy-go-lucky guy & I am glad to see he lopped off the locks & lost the whiskers! Thanks for the fun post!
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