So this year Jared and I have made a goal to have FHE each week. I'm really struggling coming up with lessons for a 2 year old. I know that most of the time Ethan won't listen but I'm trying to find lessons that might keep his attention...even if it's for 2 minutes. So what do you do to teach your little ones?
ummmm i'm not sure what to tell you about that, but do you realize that you have a porno pictures on your blog?
HOLY CRAP!! I fixed it. It's gone. It was in your "Update" post, Shan. That's why you can't just post pictures using other people's URLs. You need to always host them in your own photobucket account or on our blogger account.
When you take someone else's link, they can always change what image that links to. PLUS its considered bad form to take someone else's link and not upload it and host it yourself. It's called hot-linking and its definitely a no no!
Just so we all know!!! :)
Since I don't have kids, I can't really help with FHE for tots advice. But from my nursery experience, I can say, keep it short, SUPER peppy and energetic, almost to the point where you feel super silly. It's the only way to keep their attention. And work in some sort of activity at the end like coloring. I'm sure there are tons of websites with FHE for toddlers ideas if you do a little googling!!
Oh dear! Sorry everyone, I had no idea that would happen. now I know & won't do that again.
Yeah I thought you'd get a comment about it faster than anything else. It wasn't too bad of a picture... could've been LOTS worse! haha
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