Being a mom can be so frustrating! Ethan will not eat for me and it's driving me crazy! For about a week now the only meal I can get him to eat is breakfast and he only wants eggs. Most of the time it's hard boiled eggs. When he does get hungry he digs in the pantry and finds some fruit snack or chips or some other kind of non-healthy treat. I soon realized what he was doing so now I'm the big bad mom and will not let him have any kind of treat with out eating his lunch or dinner first. Sad to say this isn't really working. He just doesn't eat. What should I do? He does have a cold and the doctor said that loss of appetite is normal but his loss of appetite is for good food. He'll eat any kind of treat he can get his hands on.
hmmm. Well I've heard that kid WILL eat when they are hungry. But they also totally know what they can and can't get away with. He obviously knows he'll get the goodies one way or another so no matter how hard it is, I'd say stay consistent!
I agree with Britt. My docters have also told me that when your cild is hungry enough that they will eat. BUT, I also know how frustrating that is to try and be a "good" Mom & know that you kid isn't eating anything healthy. Here are a few tricks that friends of mine have tried & gotten good results.
First: I would suggest to keep offering Ethan a few of the foods that he used to LOVE.
Second: Does Ethan like shakes or smoothies? If so you can add powder vitamin supplaments to them & also sneek fresh veggies in there that don't have too strong of a flavor. (Like carrots-V8 splash would be a good ingredient to toss in!) If you want a more detailed recipie I can ask my friend what she does.
Third: Get some multi colored cake sprinkles & make a big deal about them being something Ethan would like. (My friend has a daughter & so for her they were fairy sprinkles) She would put them on toast, oatmeal, mashed potatoes, mac & cheese, and pretty much anything else that would convince her daughter to eat!
Good luck & don't give in to those handsome little eyes when he begs for a treat! :)
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