I know out of the three of us, I'm the only one in this photo, but I know it'll bring back memories for you guys too! Flashback with me to New Years Day 1998. Rose Parade!!! Wasn't that fun?! Hot, long, tiring, but super fun.
Remember after we finished all we wanted was a drink of water, but instead we got shuffled into a line to get In & Out burgers and Dr. Peppers? Weird!!! Why didn't they give us water?!!
Anyway - what memories do you have of that morning??
OH MY HECK!! I just realized - this photo was taken backstage at Disneyland the day AFTER the Rose Parade!! I was wondering why none of us had our hair and make up done. HAHAH!! That's funny. Ok - so my memory was of the Rose Parade, but this was before our performance at Disneyland. FUNNY!!!!
Love ya ladies!
I loved marching at Disneyland! hahaha I STILL cannot find my picture of you and Holly from this trip at Disneyland.... it irritates me so much! You look so awesome in it and the castle is perfectly in the background! There was no other way to get a good picture like that without the use of digital cameras! hahah SOMEDAY I will find it and scan it for you! Someday when half of my stuff isn't in storage! GRR. You look awesome in this picture with your mom btw. :)
So sorry! I did read you update and I loved it. And I was going to do one right away but then I found out that Les was in town and then we got together so I never got around to it. But have no fear I will do mine right now (as long as my kids will let me).
This picture of you is way cute! I was always jealous that your mom was so great to come along on our band trips. She is such a great mom and so fun to have her there with you. My memories of the Rose Parade are running around before it started with garbage sacks on. Was it raining? Is that why we had those on or was it to keep us warm? Can't remember. I totally forgot about them feeding us hamburgers until you said that. That was weird. Why would you give a bunch of teenagers that just marched a hamburger and dr. pepper?
Do you remember going to see the floats? I think that was the day before or maybe it was after? And I think we did our field show in the parking lot that day too.
My memory of disneyland was thinking how cool it was to be back stage. I remember us getting these awesome bright blue shirts for marching there. Do they still have bands come and march at disneyland?
My biggest memory of the rose parade was waking up the morning of & being the only one not in color guard! haha! YOu guys all had to get your hair and make-up done & all I had to do was wrap mine in a twist and stick my cowboy hat with a plume(fancy word for giant poofy feather)on it onto my head!! LOL!! I guess being in the band had its perks :)
The thing I remember about marching in DL is the train tracks that you had to watch out to not trip on! Also seeing all the broken/extra costumes & rides like Mickey Mouse heads, Dumbo ride cars...you guys remember those?
We wore the plastic garbage bags to keep warm...I don't remember wearing one, probably because we were wearing WOOL full body uniforms!! :) Also, I have NO memory of eating burgers after?? Weird
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