3 Joys:
1. Jared
2. Ethan
3. Our blog :)
3 Fears:
1. Loosing Jared
2. Ethan falling while he has something in his mouth. (He seems to always find something to put in his mouth, like a pen or pencil, and I'm so afraid that he's going to fall and jab it into the back of his throat)
3 Goals:
1. To print out my digi scrap pages
2. To finish unpacking (we move 1 1/2 years ago and I still have boxes packed in the garage)
3. To loose my baby weight...not sure if that will ever happen
3 Current Obsessions
1. Scrapbooking
2. Checking my email
3. Cooking/baking
3 Random/Surprising Facts
1. I often have dreams that Jared and I are going to have twins. Can you imagine! Two at a time...crazy! I don't know how your mom did it Britt!
2. I love instant potatoes. I use to peel, boil, and mash but now I just boil, pour and stir. Mmm Mmm they are good!
3. I started going to water aerobic with my little sis. It's fun but man it really kicks my butt. I'm a fatty!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Here comes my Tag...
3 Joys:
1. Matt
2. My Kids
3. Going to Church
3 Fears:
1. Never moving back to UT
2. Losing a loved one
3. Water (not small amounts of course-I do take an occasional bath!) hehe
3 Goals:
1. Exercise at least twice a week
2. Make "good" dinners
3. Have a better "daily routine"
3 Current Obsessions
1. Reading 2 books by Super Nanny Jo Frost
2. Internet (whether it's checking my email, blogging, or attempting to digi scrap)
3. Organizing/Unpacking-It is KILLING me that we're not done yet!!
3 Random/Surprising Facts
1. I dance around the house like a total dork with my kids once in a while. I turn on the radio & just run around flailing my arms, legs, and pretty much all other free moving body parts!! (If you count fat deposits as free moving body parts that is! LOL!) If anyone can see me through our huge window they are probably reminded of someone such as Napoleon Dynamite, Elaine from Seinfeld, or any of the cast members on the Breakfast Club!! (The Girls Love it!)
2. I buy things for people & intent on sending them a fun little surprise, but then I never actually send the stuff! I now have a closet full of random things that I personally have no use for, but can't seem to get into a box with a label and stamp! Wish me luck on that one!
3. I collect pens and pencils. Not on purpose, but when I see them at the store I am drawn to them. I think it is because I love making lists, because lists make me feel organized, so therefore pens and pencils make me feel organized too! I have a plastic bin FULL of random pens and pencils. I will sit down and go through the bin testing each one to see if it still works. If it writes then I keep it, if it doesn't then it gets tossed in the trash. Trinity actually helped me do this before we moved & she will probably want to help me when I do it again. I often take a good pen from the doctors office & feel bad for it later. I just can't help myself!!
1. Matt
2. My Kids
3. Going to Church
3 Fears:
1. Never moving back to UT
2. Losing a loved one
3. Water (not small amounts of course-I do take an occasional bath!) hehe
3 Goals:
1. Exercise at least twice a week
2. Make "good" dinners
3. Have a better "daily routine"
3 Current Obsessions
1. Reading 2 books by Super Nanny Jo Frost
2. Internet (whether it's checking my email, blogging, or attempting to digi scrap)
3. Organizing/Unpacking-It is KILLING me that we're not done yet!!
3 Random/Surprising Facts
1. I dance around the house like a total dork with my kids once in a while. I turn on the radio & just run around flailing my arms, legs, and pretty much all other free moving body parts!! (If you count fat deposits as free moving body parts that is! LOL!) If anyone can see me through our huge window they are probably reminded of someone such as Napoleon Dynamite, Elaine from Seinfeld, or any of the cast members on the Breakfast Club!! (The Girls Love it!)
2. I buy things for people & intent on sending them a fun little surprise, but then I never actually send the stuff! I now have a closet full of random things that I personally have no use for, but can't seem to get into a box with a label and stamp! Wish me luck on that one!
3. I collect pens and pencils. Not on purpose, but when I see them at the store I am drawn to them. I think it is because I love making lists, because lists make me feel organized, so therefore pens and pencils make me feel organized too! I have a plastic bin FULL of random pens and pencils. I will sit down and go through the bin testing each one to see if it still works. If it writes then I keep it, if it doesn't then it gets tossed in the trash. Trinity actually helped me do this before we moved & she will probably want to help me when I do it again. I often take a good pen from the doctors office & feel bad for it later. I just can't help myself!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
TAG! You're it!
These are fun. Admit it. You're both tagged.
3 Joys
- Being married to my best friend
- Disneyland
- Driving through the canyon when the leaves are turning! We drove the Alpine Loop this Saturday and it was so gorgeous. I LOVE FALL!
3 Fears
- Somehow losing Josh
- Sharks and deep ocean waters
- Ferrets. Those sick little fur tubes REALLY freak me out!
3 Goals
- To be more tidy and organized
- To lose weight (the never-ending goal for me)
- To somehow get to a place where we can buy a house
3 Current Obsessions
- Digital Scrapbooking
- Jon & Kate Plus 8. I seriously watch it every day almost.
- Blogging
3 Random/Surprising Facts
- I LOVE Star Wars. I really do. I could watch any episode right now. Love it.
- I feel like I have let myself go in the short amount of time I've been married. I don't make as much as an effort as I used to to dress cute, have the right accessories, etc. What is wrong with me?! I hate that about myself.
- I really loved the Twilight series (the books). But I hate how its become so trendy and popular. I feel like a dork being a "fan" now. I read them before they were such a big deal. But I haven't read the last one yet. Partly because I'm too busy and partly because I know that once I do that's it.
3 Joys
- Being married to my best friend
- Disneyland
- Driving through the canyon when the leaves are turning! We drove the Alpine Loop this Saturday and it was so gorgeous. I LOVE FALL!
3 Fears
- Somehow losing Josh
- Sharks and deep ocean waters
- Ferrets. Those sick little fur tubes REALLY freak me out!
3 Goals
- To be more tidy and organized
- To lose weight (the never-ending goal for me)
- To somehow get to a place where we can buy a house
3 Current Obsessions
- Digital Scrapbooking
- Jon & Kate Plus 8. I seriously watch it every day almost.
- Blogging
3 Random/Surprising Facts
- I LOVE Star Wars. I really do. I could watch any episode right now. Love it.
- I feel like I have let myself go in the short amount of time I've been married. I don't make as much as an effort as I used to to dress cute, have the right accessories, etc. What is wrong with me?! I hate that about myself.
- I really loved the Twilight series (the books). But I hate how its become so trendy and popular. I feel like a dork being a "fan" now. I read them before they were such a big deal. But I haven't read the last one yet. Partly because I'm too busy and partly because I know that once I do that's it.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Flashback Friday-A recent one!
I had so much fun at lunch! It was nice that no one had to hurry off anywhere & I loved how comfortable it felt to just laugh and talk with all of you. We didn't have to focus on "remember when" to have a conversation & I am just so so happy that we are all still so close. I love each of you! Thanks for making another great memory with me!! P.S. This is one of my new favorite pics!!
Who's ready for another Flashback Friday??
Are you ready to be MORTIFIED?! My mom, yes my MOM, found these pictures of us in a box, and was telling me about them and I had no idea what she was talking about. THEN when I actually saw them it all came flooding back. What in the world were we thinking?! We are nerdy nerdy girls. Oh and sorry Shanny Baby, but I guess you weren't there. But be grateful. You are the only one not embarrassed today.
I must have been mostly the photographer or something cuz there are only two of me.
(you can click all pictures to see 'em bigger)

Me & Katie


Danica's turn!

Danica & Leslie

Les' turn!


It's cute little Holly!!

And finally one last shot of Kellie!

Thoroughly embarrassed yet?! I AM! But I HAD to share!! Hope you had a good laugh today!
Love you girls!
I must have been mostly the photographer or something cuz there are only two of me.
(you can click all pictures to see 'em bigger)
Me & Katie
Danica's turn!
Danica & Leslie
Les' turn!
It's cute little Holly!!
And finally one last shot of Kellie!
Thoroughly embarrassed yet?! I AM! But I HAD to share!! Hope you had a good laugh today!
Love you girls!
Baby Peter
OK, so if you want to bawl your eyes out like I just did then check out Brian and Sara's Blog again. There is the most precious slide show on there of the baby & their sweet little family. Then it goes through them at the viewing & the grave site...I can't even imagine how hard that must have been. I left a comment & at first wasn't sure what to say, so I wasn't going to leave one, but I figured that if anything, they needed encouraging words. I tried to write from my heart & I hope I said the right things. What a strong family!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Pray for Brian and Sara
I have some really heart braking news to share so grab a Kleenex.
Do you remember Brian Loveridge and Sara Woodcox? Well they are married and have 2 really cute kids, Kambree & Braxton. Sara was pregnant with their third child and a few weeks ago she had a check up. She asked Brian to come with her so they dropped the kids off at the babysitter and were on their way. Sara told Brian that she was a little worried cuz she hadn't felt the baby move that day, the last time she felt the baby was the night before. Well the doctor tried to get a heart beat but was unable so he called a specialist in and he wasn't able to find a heart beat either. The doctors told them that during the night their baby had past away. Now they had to rush Sara to the hospital to start her into labor so that she could deliver this still born child. Brian and Sara called their parents and Sara's mom was out the door and on the next flight to CO. She was able to make it to the hospital while Sara was still in labor.
Once they delivered the baby Sara just held the baby for a half an hour. The doctors came back in and said we have some news for you...your child is not a little girl but a boy! This whole time they thought they were having a girl. If you read their blog there's a little story about how their little boy really wanted a brother and not a sister. So now they have their little boy that they were hoping for and the little brother that Braxten wanted. Brian told Braxton that his new baby was a boy and Braxton told Brian that he already new that. Then Brian had to tell his kids that they were not bring their baby brother home that he had gone to back live with Heavenly Father.
They were able to spend about 7 hours with this sweet baby holding it and loving it. The doctors finally had to take the baby awake so that they could get it to the mortuary. Then with their kids in the car and their baby in it's casket Brian and Sara drove to UT to bury their little boy. They had to stop about 20 times on the way to UT cuz their kids were so worried about their little brother. They wanted to get out and look at him and make sure he was ok. I'm not sure where they buried him but seeing that they are both from AF I'm guess he was buried there.
For the past little while Braxton has had this imaginary friend named Peter and he went everywhere with Braxton and he talked to Braxton. So when they found out that they had a boy and Braxton said he knew that all along they named him Peter Braxton Loveridge. Linda (Brian's mom) said that Brian and Sara are really having a hard time. They need all of our prayers. I cried and cried when I heard this story. It totally breaks my heart. This poor little family has gone through so much. Not too long ago Brian was battling cancer and now they have lost a baby. I hope they can get through this. I can't even imagine how Sara is feeling right now. To carry a child for 9 months go through labor and then have to bury him. Oh it is just so sad!
Anyways I just thought you'd like to know about this and I know they could use our prayers.
Do you remember Brian Loveridge and Sara Woodcox? Well they are married and have 2 really cute kids, Kambree & Braxton. Sara was pregnant with their third child and a few weeks ago she had a check up. She asked Brian to come with her so they dropped the kids off at the babysitter and were on their way. Sara told Brian that she was a little worried cuz she hadn't felt the baby move that day, the last time she felt the baby was the night before. Well the doctor tried to get a heart beat but was unable so he called a specialist in and he wasn't able to find a heart beat either. The doctors told them that during the night their baby had past away. Now they had to rush Sara to the hospital to start her into labor so that she could deliver this still born child. Brian and Sara called their parents and Sara's mom was out the door and on the next flight to CO. She was able to make it to the hospital while Sara was still in labor.
Once they delivered the baby Sara just held the baby for a half an hour. The doctors came back in and said we have some news for you...your child is not a little girl but a boy! This whole time they thought they were having a girl. If you read their blog there's a little story about how their little boy really wanted a brother and not a sister. So now they have their little boy that they were hoping for and the little brother that Braxten wanted. Brian told Braxton that his new baby was a boy and Braxton told Brian that he already new that. Then Brian had to tell his kids that they were not bring their baby brother home that he had gone to back live with Heavenly Father.
They were able to spend about 7 hours with this sweet baby holding it and loving it. The doctors finally had to take the baby awake so that they could get it to the mortuary. Then with their kids in the car and their baby in it's casket Brian and Sara drove to UT to bury their little boy. They had to stop about 20 times on the way to UT cuz their kids were so worried about their little brother. They wanted to get out and look at him and make sure he was ok. I'm not sure where they buried him but seeing that they are both from AF I'm guess he was buried there.
For the past little while Braxton has had this imaginary friend named Peter and he went everywhere with Braxton and he talked to Braxton. So when they found out that they had a boy and Braxton said he knew that all along they named him Peter Braxton Loveridge. Linda (Brian's mom) said that Brian and Sara are really having a hard time. They need all of our prayers. I cried and cried when I heard this story. It totally breaks my heart. This poor little family has gone through so much. Not too long ago Brian was battling cancer and now they have lost a baby. I hope they can get through this. I can't even imagine how Sara is feeling right now. To carry a child for 9 months go through labor and then have to bury him. Oh it is just so sad!
Anyways I just thought you'd like to know about this and I know they could use our prayers.
Another Flashback Friday
Ok - who can tell me where we are, what we are doing, WHY we are doing it?!! Is this Ephraim? Why can't I remember?!! I swear you guys have way better memories than me or something.

I see that I'm wearing an SPU tee shirt. So my best guess is this is from when we visited Les at Snow College. But heck if I know!
I see that I'm wearing an SPU tee shirt. So my best guess is this is from when we visited Les at Snow College. But heck if I know!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Just poppin' in to say hi!
I'm not working today and I keep finding myself at the computer. I think I'm a little addicted to digital scrapping and always checking my email. LOL! I'm so lame. Anyways I found these 2 pictures and just wanted to say hi & let ya know that I'm thinking about ya. Hope you two are having a good day. Can't wait to see you :)

Monday, September 15, 2008
Just sayin' hi!
Hi girls. Today is one of those days where I just feel super BLAAAAHHHH. Do you have those? I mean - its 4:15 in the afternoon and I'm still in my pajamas. I haven't showered, haven't done much work today at all. I'm just seriously LAZY, unmotivated and uninspired. I'm about to go get in the shower, attempt to make myself cute and see if that helps get me out of these doldrums. I don't get this way too often, but when I do I don't really know what to do with myself. Especially working from home. It's hard because you feel like if you aren't working all the time you are doing something wrong.
Oh - guess what. Tonight is "Family Night" at the high school for the marching band. Poor little Cameron has been in cleaning camps ALL WEEKEND to prepare for it. I can't wait to see their show. My mom saw it a little at Band Camp (yep she went and did food just like she did for us) and said its AMAZING. Shan - are you coming? Anyway- Josh has never been to a Family Night before so we're going to make him be the one to go down on the field and run around with Cameron. Remember how they do that? We'll be sitting too far away for good photos but I'll do my best. I'm going to take the video camera too. Should be fun. Better snap out of this stupid mood I'm in so I can have fun!
See you chickadees later!!
See you chickadees later!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
A Trip to the Emergency Room
So Tuesday night - we're getting ready to go to bed when Josh realizes that what he thought was a zit, had now become a VERY swollen bump right between his eyes. Earlier that evening he had tried pinching it to no avail and apparently had made it angry in the process. According to Josh’s dad, that is a dangerous part of the face to get an infection because it can potentially get into your brain. So, better safe than sorry, we got dressed and went to the Orem Community Emergency Room. Josh’s parents even came and met us there! So much drama over a bump!
One hundred bucks and an hour and a half later, we were headed home with a prescription for antibiotics and strict instructions NOT to pinch it anymore! What a night! Glad I just happened to have my camera in my purse! Here is the page I scrapped of this story!

It really chaps my hide that it costs so much to go the ER. Like - if you are going to ER you are going there because you HAVE to. I guess it keeps the silly non-emergency people from going there. But it seems unfair if you ask me. I HATE paying for stuff like that.
One hundred bucks and an hour and a half later, we were headed home with a prescription for antibiotics and strict instructions NOT to pinch it anymore! What a night! Glad I just happened to have my camera in my purse! Here is the page I scrapped of this story!
It really chaps my hide that it costs so much to go the ER. Like - if you are going to ER you are going there because you HAVE to. I guess it keeps the silly non-emergency people from going there. But it seems unfair if you ask me. I HATE paying for stuff like that.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Mommy Preschool
So a few ladies from my ward and I have gotten together to do a "mommy preschool" for our 2 1/2 to 3 year olds. There are 6 kids & 4 parents, so Trinity gets to go twice a week for 2 hours & I am the teacher once every other week. (Each of the mom's rotate teaching). We decided we wanted them to learn just a few of the basics like: Recognizing the alphabet, knowing their numbers 1-10, their colors, shapes, learning about the calendar, the weather...and other fun stuff like that. So tomorrow is my first day teaching & I didn't think I would need much time to prepare, but now I am sitting here thinking, "What the heck, I don't know what to do?" Yea, it is simple stuff, but trying to think of things that will keep 6 little kids entertained, engaged & actually LEARNING!! I suppose if anything I can just make sure they have fun & try better next time! HA!! I have been meaning to post on my blog about her first day & how excited she was, but I just haven't stopped and made time to do it. She absolutely LOVES going & when I told her it was at our house tomorrow she says, "Oh YAY! My friends will come in and they will say, ""Oh what a BEAUTIFUL home!"" I have NO idea where she is picking up all these random things, but I thought it was pretty cute. 
This is her first day-she was so excited to go in & would not even look at me long enough to get a picture! I knew she was a little nervous because she was fiddling with her little fingers. I can't believe how big she looks!! So...anyway, back to planning-wish me luck!!

This is her first day-she was so excited to go in & would not even look at me long enough to get a picture! I knew she was a little nervous because she was fiddling with her little fingers. I can't believe how big she looks!! So...anyway, back to planning-wish me luck!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
It's no secret I'm not really an enrichment-type gal. I think you could count the number of enrichments I've been to on 1 hand.
The killer is that for my presentation I can't use the internet since there's no wi-fi at the church!! So . . . lucky me. I have spent a TON of time taking screen shots and doing my best to show how easy the set up is.
But guess who is the keynote speaker at my parent's old ward's Enrichment tomorrow night?! Yep. Yours truly. My old Young Women's president emailed me a couple months ago and asked me to come teach the women in her ward how to start a family blog with a short intro to digital scrapbooking at the end! She originally allotted me NINTEY MINUTES to do this. I told her that was probably way more time than I'd need so she gave 15 minutes to someone else who will talk about facebook and myspace. I still don't know how I'm going to talk for an hour and a half about this!
I'm totally nervous. I have no idea how its going to go. Maybe it will be great. Maybe the women will be totally confused and I'll just stress them out. I don't know!!!! I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Flashback Friday-HOORAH!!
Our Road Trip to El Paso! Wasn't it great!! There are so many fun memories of that trip, so I had to post a bunch of pictures. I had a hard time narrowing it down to only these ones-there were so many more I could have picked!
The long drive.
Sorta wierd that I live here now!
Wow, don't we just LOOK enchanting!
Oh boy! Good thing we had a plunger~!
This picture makes me laugh out loud everytime I see it!
Don't mind my ears glowing like beacons!
White sands really was sooo cool!
I have NO idea what you were doing, but it is a cool picture. :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Ethan's Photos!!
Les - Shan and I met for a little photo shoot downtown Provo this evening. When you visit we'll have to take some pics of your kiddos!
You love that I made you wear the beanie!!
Ethan is so cute, Shan! I can't believe what a good walker he is! I posted a handful of pictures on my photo blog so go look at those!
And here are just a few more!

And one last silly one! haha

And here are just a few more!
And one last silly one! haha
You love that I made you wear the beanie!!
I hate poop!

Ethan has been the poop machine for the past week and I am sick of changing his dirty diapers. Not only is it stinky and messy but he thinks it's funny! When he toots and he knows you are watching him he laughs and smiles. And to top off my wonderful world full of poop he's been pooping in the tub! For the last three nights I've had to hose him down, take him out and then clean the tub. I really hate poop!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Gotta love a good bargain!
I was SO excited because Old Navy had this amazing sale on their jeans & I convinced Matt to come and stake it out with me. We had to deal with quite a few idiots-Uh, I mean people, who were there for the bargain too, but we were able to get new pants for everyone at a super great price! 
Adult pants were only $12 a pair & the kids/infants were only $7!! The catch was that there was a 3 pair limit per PURCHASE! They (the ON employees) were openly OK with you getting back in line to buy more, but it was a little tricky! We bought 16 pairs of pants total...so 1 trip to the register for every 3 pairs = A LOT OF RECEIPTS! HA HA!~! But it was worth it!! OH, and we got 2 cute "tote bags" for spending so much mu-la!

Adult pants were only $12 a pair & the kids/infants were only $7!! The catch was that there was a 3 pair limit per PURCHASE! They (the ON employees) were openly OK with you getting back in line to buy more, but it was a little tricky! We bought 16 pairs of pants total...so 1 trip to the register for every 3 pairs = A LOT OF RECEIPTS! HA HA!~! But it was worth it!! OH, and we got 2 cute "tote bags" for spending so much mu-la!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
nothing of note
We had a totally boring Labor Day too. Josh had to work, so we didn't do anything. He planned to go golfing with his dad, and bro, and bro in law but it rained like MAD yesterday so that got canceled.
I slept WAAAAYYYY in. Hearing the pounding rain outside just made me want to stay in bed and be cozy. It was AWESOME! Then I did a little work, scrapped a little and that's pretty much it!
Josh got home early (since he wasn't going golfing) and we watched "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". Have you guys seen that lately? I LOVE that movie. It's so so good!!!! It's the perfect blend of silly, teeny-bopper, and a little touching too.

Matthew Broderick is so perfectly awesome as Ferris. If it's been a while since you've seen it, or if you haven't ever sat down and watched the whole thing (GASP!!!!!) DO IT! That is your assignment.
Matthew Broderick is so perfectly awesome as Ferris. If it's been a while since you've seen it, or if you haven't ever sat down and watched the whole thing (GASP!!!!!) DO IT! That is your assignment.

Well where is everybody? I sure haven't been posting too much-so I guess I can't be a little steam pot & call the kettle black. (Is that a saying-I thought it was, but now it just doesn't sound right at all...oh well.)
I don't really have anything exciting to post I am just writing a friendly reminder to all of us that we can't really know "What's New, Girlfriend?" if none of us post, so here is my effort:
We had a very boring Labor Day weekend-yea, we could have gone to this fun thing called A Taste of Colorado, but yours truly is so obsessed about having, " A place for everything, and everything in it's place!", that I can't seem to focus on anything fun until we are 100% unpacked. And in case you are wondering if we spent the whole weekend unpacking, well we didn't. Lame! So we didn't do anything fun & we didn't slave away to get rid of my current OCD.
I guess we did one sorta fun thing. I have been hating our entertainment center. We got it when we moved to PG back in 2003 and it has been moved 5 times with us. It has gotten a little worn & torn, so I have been keeping my eye out for a new one. We headed over to the store where we got the girls bunk beds, because they were having an awesome sale, and found a great new entertainment center!! I don't have any pictures of it, but maybe I will have to post a few. Now I have to try and keep Matt from wanting to buy a new T.V. to sit on our new entertainment center. Hmmm...that will be a job!
Ok. There...nothing exciting really, but you did get a little info on my ordinary everyday life. So...whose going to return the favor eh??
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