So Tuesday night - we're getting ready to go to bed when Josh realizes that what he thought was a zit, had now become a VERY swollen bump right between his eyes. Earlier that evening he had tried pinching it to no avail and apparently had made it angry in the process. According to Josh’s dad, that is a dangerous part of the face to get an infection because it can potentially get into your brain. So, better safe than sorry, we got dressed and went to the Orem Community Emergency Room. Josh’s parents even came and met us there! So much drama over a bump!
One hundred bucks and an hour and a half later, we were headed home with a prescription for antibiotics and strict instructions NOT to pinch it anymore! What a night! Glad I just happened to have my camera in my purse! Here is the page I scrapped of this story!

It really chaps my hide that it costs so much to go the ER. Like - if you are going to ER you are going there because you HAVE to. I guess it keeps the silly non-emergency people from going there. But it seems unfair if you ask me. I HATE paying for stuff like that.
Ha! That is so funny! Glad he's ok and I totally know what you mean about the $. P.s. I really like Josh's hair. It's very handsome :)
I LOVE the I think of Shan & Britt list on the side bar of our blog...Where's leslie's? And why do you think of me when you read st. louis?
Yeah that little sidebar this is adorable! When did you do all that Les? I just noticed it today. SO FUN! Love my little blinkie! :) :)
I just thought it would be fun to do little things that remind us of each other, so you guys can add one for me & you can add thoughts about each other on the ones I put up if you want. Shan, you were KAM for the St. Louis office weren't you? If not, then I must have thought you were & that's why it reminds me of you. :) I also thought it would be fun if each of us did a little side bar of something like: Lately I Like...then list things you like at the moment.???
Sucks that the E.R. costs so much, but isn't it comforting to know you can go to a Dr. anytime day or night? I spent the whole night at the ER alone like 3 or 4 days after I had Grayden. :(
LOVE your ideas for the sidebars!! So fun! Why were you in the ER Les?
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