Our Road Trip to El Paso! Wasn't it great!! There are so many fun memories of that trip, so I had to post a bunch of pictures. I had a hard time narrowing it down to only these ones-there were so many more I could have picked!
The long drive.
Sorta wierd that I live here now!
Wow, don't we just LOOK enchanting!
Oh boy! Good thing we had a plunger~!
This picture makes me laugh out loud everytime I see it!
Don't mind my ears glowing like beacons!
White sands really was sooo cool!
I have NO idea what you were doing, but it is a cool picture. :)

I was totally looking for these pictures! I don't even think I know where they are! I'm soooo glad you posted these! What a fun and random trip we had!
I was being the Little Mermaid in that picture! And yes, it is a cool picture!
Oh and I don't think we're rotating or taking turns. If you have photos to flashback - post 'em! :)
I loved this trip! I always think about this fun road trip when ever I drive down to Manti...not sure why but for some reason those roads remind me of this trip. Funny thing I was just thinking about all those late nights we spent at Icon trying to download all of the music that was stollen out of your car. Remember how I'd be down stairs and you & Britt would be upstairs working on Matt & Jake's computer? We are funny girls! Also I was laughing my head off at those pictures. I love the glowing ears and britt's mermaid picture! Such good memories!
Ok this is why I LOVE this website. I had no memory of music getting stolen, using Icon's computers to download it, none of that! But now that you mention it I sort of remember!! HOW FUNNY!
Love our blog!! :) :)
Oh yes, my new car being broken into was like my life crushing moment! ha!! I actually found the list we were working from the night at Icon. It had a huge list of all the discs that got stolen & I had used Matt's stamp at his desk that said something like, "from the desk of MATT" or something! Do you remember when we called the hotel with help for the plugged toilet & the security guard came up? What was he going to do!! haha
LOL! I totally forgot about the security guard! That is so funny!
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