I found these pictures when flipping through my photo albums & knew I had to post them for Flashback Friday!! I am so glad you guys talked me into going up to SLC when the Olympics were there. Do you remember me being so paranoid that there was going to be some terrorist attack? Yea...I would have missed that awesome experience if it weren't for you two!! (I have so many more pictures of this, but I tried to keep it to a minnimum)

Britt do you remember that the younger guy had his arms around us & we were like...uh...SCARY!

Shan, your picture is the only one that turned out of us trying to hold the Olympic torch & you can't even see it in this scanned picture:( I will have to try and edit it a little in Photo Shop.
Who could forget Henry the Hand! He had to have the best job...hanging out by the porta pottys all day long! GROSS!!

AND-Last but not least, this is the pamphlet that was handed to me as we were walking around-so funny! I can't believe I still have it!

NO WAY YOU STILL HAVE THAT PAMPHLET!! I HAVE NONE OF THESE PHOTOS!!!!!! Can you email them ALL to me?! That Hand Washing guy is the best. What a fun day we had! I totally forgot about it. I have the worst memory ever.
I totally forgot about that too! I LOVE flashback Friday. It's so fun! I have this random memory of us riding the buses and going down town to try and watch an awards ceremony...but maybe I'm confusing this with some other memory. Les look at how long your hair is! Will you email me those pictures too?
Of course I will email you both all the pictures, but I have to scan them all onto the computer. (Weird that digital cameras haven't been around forever!)I have a lot too! I wish they would scan in better quality, oh well! Good times!!
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