I found my old scrapbook from like 8 years ago and I laughed so hard at this page! Britt we really had some good times together. I miss those days.
Here's what my journaling says: Here Brittney and I are posing as we prepare to throw water balloons at our next door neighbor's front door. A few nights before Brittney and I were really bored so we decided to throw bubble gum at them. We didn't think they even noticed but to our surprise they did. The next night one of our innocent roommates was bombarded with water balloons. So, Brittney & I decided it was pay back time.
(click on the image to get a close up at just how nerdy we are)
Oh that is AWESOME!! What a cute page too. We were pretty nerdy! But that was fun! Thanks for the laugh Shan!!
Hey I scrapped our little lunch date that we had. It's in the SM gallery: http://www.scrapmatters.com/gallery3/showphoto.php/photo/11658
Britt, do you remember that we tied the camera to your manikin and set the time? Ha! We are funny.
NO!! How do you remember these things!?! That is so funny.
That picture is hillarious & I actually remember seeing it before-we actually may have been together the night you scrapped it if I remember right! I love how your body looks totally contorted & Britt looks like she is a missing member of the cone-head family! hahaha so funny!
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