There isn't really much I can say other than that-I am obsessed. I was so shocked when the season was already over & I probably watch at least one episode per week still (thank goodness for DVR)! The singing can almost always get me teared up & I love all the characters. Even Sue-she is one that I just love to hate!! Matt got me the soundtrack for Christmas & I MUST HAVE volume 2! I think I'll go watch an episode as soon as I am done with this post! :)

2. Our Dog is making me crazy!!

Buckley is the sweetest little dog, he plays so well with the kids, is very patient with being pulled and tugged on, hasn't chewed anything he isn't supposed to (knock on wood), and the kids ADORE him. BUT-he refuses to be house trained!! I am constantly scrubbing the carpet with my little green clean machine-which I couldn't live without-but AHhhrrgg!!! I just want him to figure it out!

I feel like going to church finally has a purpose again! :) Our ward also switched time slots and we get to go to Sacrament Meeting first instead of last. Ah, it is so great! Grayden LOVES nursery & goes right in without a problem. Trinity is more confident going into Sunday school now that she has Brinley to tote along, & Brinley has no problem whatsoever being with the "big kids". Sunday school and Relief Society were like a dream & I actually learned something last week!! I need to bring a treat for all the kids teachers on Sunday because they are making my life so much easier!! :)

4. Matt leaves on the 26th and will be gone for SIX weeks. Yikes!

This training is the last part of the requirements he needs in order to be promoted to the next rank up which is an E7. I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I know he is pretty excited & I am not at all against it because it means another pay raise! :) That is also the last thing he wants to accomplish before he officially applies for PA school through the military. If he gets accepted then we will be off to San Antonio, Texas for a few years. (There are a lot of details, so I'll keep you guys filled in as I find out more info). I just hope the six weeks go by smoothly while he is gone.
I love being able to work with my hands & thought it would be fun to basically tear this little rocking chair apart & put it back together with a new look. As usual it has taken longer than I expected & so far I have successfully pulled out all the nappy old "hair", completely taken it apart, & sanded all the pieces down to the natural wood color. I need to do a little more touch up sanding, but will have to wait until I can either borrow a smaller sander or rent one. It only cost me 8$ at our local thrift store & I don't think I'll have to put much money into it to be totally happy with the results.
6. Christmas Around the World

I absolutely love being on the activities committee & this year we had a brand new chair person called right before the holidays. She was pretty stressed out & our committee isn't huge, so I decided to help out as much as I could. I ended up being in charge of finding "Santa", making ornaments for him to give to each child, putting together a craft table for the kids, doing the fliers & other announcements, taking care of sign up sheets, and taking pics of each child on Santa's lap. The entire gym was lined with tables of things that ward members brought to display, sample, or try from different countries & cultures. There was a hand made pinata & all the kids loved taking a whack at it! Matt even got the chance to bring his souvenirs from Bosnia, Paraguay, & Germany. It turned out great & I think it may be a new tradition in our ward.

7. Matt's 30th B-Day Surprise

Matt turned 30 on Nov 3oth and although he had told me in the past that he didn't like surprise parties I just couldn't resist. This is the first ward we have been in longer than a year & Matt has been able to be more involved in this ward than any of our past wards. I feel that we have so many friends and so much support, so I went for it! For a minute there I thought he may have suspected something, but I was wrong. He was totally surprised & was glowing when he saw how many people had shown up to support him on his B-Day. There were about 30-35 people & it was such a fun night!

8. Thanksgiving with our "Ward Family"

Have I mentioned that I love our ward? ;) We knew we wouldn't be going anywhere for Thanksgiving so I decided to ask around and see if anyone else was in our same boat. It turns out there were a handful of other families that would be in town & I thought it would be fun to do a Thanksgiving together. I didn't want to exclude anyone, so I reserved a few rooms at the church, put a little invite in the ward bulletin, sent around sign-up sheets, & put together a few games for the kids & adults. I got in a little over my head in thinking it would be fairly simple to oversea, but it all turned out so great & was a Thanksgiving I will never forget! (There were between 30-40 people that ended up coming) Oh...I also made these fun little Turkey hats with the kids-they LOVED them! :)

9. Making Time for my Kids

I feel like I have been a crazy woman since early September & realized that I need to slow down and spend more quality time having fun with my kids. I thought it would be fun to pull out the bread maker and make pretzels. The girls were my 2 assistants & had so much fun watching the bread machine work. They did their best to roll out the dough and make some sort of shape, but everyones favorite part was eating them-Yummy!!

Yup, I am pregnant again already! Our midwives assured us that there was no reason to put having kids on hold after my miscarriage, so we just carried on! (hehehe) I am not exactly sure how far along I am because of the recovery from the D&C, but I think I'm around 12 weeks. I feel like it is such a huge blessing to be pregnant again already & can't wait to find out what baby #4 will be!! I have been feeling pretty crappy and seem to be getting worse rather than better, but if feeling sick is what it takes to remind me each day of such a great gift-then I'll take it!

I am looking forward to hearing from you ladies!! :)
What a fun idea!! I miss you so much Les. I totally agree we need to get this blog back up and running.
OK I'm going to comment on each of your 10 items.
1) Glee. YAY!! I LOVE GLEE. I'm a total Gleek. I love it. I can't get enough. How adorable is Finn? Don't you just love him. And I totally love Rachel so much. I can't wait for April when it starts again.
2) Dogs. I was so surprised to see Buckley in your Christmas card letter. I had no idea you'd gotten a dog. Josh and I would love to have a little dog if we didn't rent. If our landlord lets us buy our house (we're in talks) we might get a Boston Terrier. We're thinking about it. But yes, dogs = stress. My parent's just got a new dog. Technically its Cameron's dog, but he was tough for a while there. As he's growing up, he's getting lots of training from the fam and he's like a different dog. The tough phase will pass. My parent's housebroke him with a clicker, treats, and 100% consistency. Hang in there, you can do it.
3) Primary! HOORAY. What an exciting moment to have your kids all in Primary. Enjoy that while it lasts!! I miss Nursery. Josh and I used to be nursery leaders and I LOVED IT. I totally miss it. I love our calling now, but that was a good one.
4) Training. Aww. I know its hard to do the single parent thing while Matt's training. But it seems like this might be the last time for a while. It's like you're on the edge of an exciting new change. You are Super Mom, so I'm sure you'll be fine. Thank goodness for all the tehnology we have nowadays. Think about how our grandma's dealt with their husbands going off like that. They'd get a letter a week if they were lucky. Can you imagine?!
5) Rocking horse. It's ADORABLE!!! You are such a project woman. I'm totally impressed. It looks really great.
6) Christmas activity. WOW! You are so busy. I can't believe how much you were in charge of. It looks like it was an awesome party!! I bet everyone just loves that Leslie Brown who makes these events extra awesome!!
We missed our ward Christmas party this year. :( I was away visiting Morgan in Pheonix. I was bummed. It was a Christmas in Hawaii theme with polynesian dancers, authentic food catered in, totally cool. But we missed it! :( BOOO
7) Matt's birthday. Did you get my story? Did you give him that? How did it go? Does he have a black eye in those pictures?? How fun. What a great turn out. I'm so happy you have such a great ward and great friends out there.
8) Thanksgiving. Another big event! You are so incredible. I have no kids, and I can't get done what you get done. I'm amazed. Love the turkey hats. You're creating so many wonderful memories for your kids. You rock Les.
9) Pretzels. YUMMMM I don't have a bread maker, but that looks so good. I'm glad you make time to enjoy the kids. It's such a short time when they are little. You gotta take advantage of it, and have the best time possible.
10) PREGGERS!!! WOW!! Congrats Les. That's so exciting. I'm totally so happy for you. I'll pray that everything continues to go well with this pregnancy. #4!! Wow - I can't believe you'll have 4 before I even have 1! HAHAH
Ok - I gotta go spend some time with my hubby. We're going to fold laundry and watch "Ghost Adventures" on the Travel Channel. One of our FAVORITE SHOWS!!! I'll do my 10 things post either later tonight or tomorrow afternoon! XOXO
Yay Britt, it was so fun reading all your comments & I'll be sure to return the favor after your post.
I figured you would share my love for Glee, and yes Finn is a big sweetie, but my current favorite is Puck. I don't know I guess there is just something that attracts me to the "bad guy" hehe
My second favorite is Emma-she is so unique!
Yes I got your memory for Matt & I typed all the memories up & read them with him just before bed. So many people responded & he ended up with over 40 memories! He was so flattered at all the kind words & fun things people had to say about him. I'm planning to make him a book eventually :)
And yes, he does have a black eye! :) He had been playing football on Thanksgiving & got a cleat to the face! Yikes-he is agressive when he plays football. He joked and told his co-workers that I beat him! hehehe
Can't wait for your post!!
YAY I'm so happy for you that you're pregnant... you are brave brave brave! HAHAH People keep asking me when I'm going to try for #2 and I think... uhhhhhhhhhhh????? HAHA It FREAKS me out!
Potty training boy dogs is supposedly WAY harder than girls... so I don't know what to say. I remember Danica got Moo neutered early cause he wouldn't stop peeing and humping on things and it worked. You could try that??
How do you get over sending your baby to nursery? I'm such a germophob I don't know what to do. Any suggestions? HAHA
You're so great! I love that you're such a great mom and homemaker... makes me want to be a better person! Love ya!!!!
PS... I guess I should jump on the Glee bandwagon.... hehe
1-I LOVE glee too! At first I was a little worried that it would be a big flop but it totally isn’t. I’ve been thinking about getting the soundtrack but now that I know you have it and you love it I’m totally going to download it.
2-Good luck! I like dogs but having to deal with dog urine and dog poop and dog hair is not my idea of FUN!
3-I remember this feeling! It was just a few short weeks after Ethan started going to nursery. I thought to myself…wow I can actually feel the spirit at church again! I’m so glad your kids are enjoying church and that you have such a great ward. Britt, I didn’t know that you guys are no longer in nursery. What’s your new calling?
4-six weeks! Wow Les is your mom coming out to visit/help you? I wish I had money cuz I’d come out and stay with you for awhile. But it’s super exciting that he’s almost done with all of his training and that you’ll soon be onto PA school!
5-That rocking horse is so cute! I can’t wait to see what it will look like when your done re-finishing it. I thought your glider looked amazing. Totally makes me want to buy a junky one at the DI and re-finish it myself.
6-Wow Les you have been super busy! Christmas around the world sounds like such a fun ward Christmas party theme. Ours was pretty simple…no real theme other then Christmas and Santa. I’m so impressed by you. You are super woman and super mom!
7-I was wondering how things went for his birthday. Jared turns 30 in May and I’m trying to decide what to do. I’m not sure that he’d love a surprise b-day party but maybe I can figure something out.
8-Those turkey hats are so cute! What a great idea. I’m glad that you have so many friend in your ward and that you are enjoying Denver so much.
9-Mmm I love homemade pretzels and it’s a perfect thing to do with kids. I was reading one of the many blogs that I follow and she had this great comment on it. You only get to spend time with your children once. So make it count. I realize that all of the laundry, dishes, time on the computer and everything else I do can wait but Ethan can’t. Before I know it he’ll be all grown-up and starting his own family. I need to make the time that I have with him count.
10-CONGRATUALATIONS!!! I was just telling Britt that I hope you were doing ok. After your post on your blog we never heard anything else so I was a little worried about you but now I’m so excited! I hope you get feeling better soon. I remember the longer weeks of not feeling well and wanting to do nothing but sleep and not throw-up.
Ok now on to me...
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