10. We got new phones for Christmas and I’m not really sure I like it. Its way more fancy then my plain old flip phone and somewhat more complicated. The up side to our new fancy phones is that I now get my email on my phone AND I can watch TV. So when Ethan is having a melt down I can bribe him with watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Handy Manny.
9. I need a new job! Desperately! I’ve been working for Kristy’s mom, Martha for about a year and half. Usually I work 3 days a week for about 4 hours. But a few weeks before Thanksgiving she reduced my hours to only 3 a day and then it was hit and miss if I even got to work. Since I’ve been back from Disneyland I’ve only worked 3 days. So if you know of any jobs please send them my way.
8. Ethan still has his binki. We really need to take it way from him but it’s going to be so painful! He is really attached to his binki but only has it during naps and bedtime. I’m not sure how to go about doing it. Part of me just wants to have him throw them away and tell him no more binkies but that sound a little bit cruel. The other part of me wants to try the binki fairy thing but I’m not sure he’ll understand that. Any suggestions?

6. One of the many things I did before going to Disneyland was make all of my nieces and nephews an autograph book. I think the turned out so cute and the kids seemed to really like them. I know that Ethan did. By the end of our trip he really enjoyed seeing the Characters and handing them his autograph book. On one side of the page is the character's signature and the other side will be a picture of them with that character, kind of like a little scrapbook.

7. I got kicked of SMG. It’s some what funny to me but a little disappointing. I honestly just couldn’t keep up with comments. I’ve been so busy since Thanksgiving with going to Disneyland then coming home and getting ready for Christmas and then trying to find a new job that SMG was that last thing on my list. I understand that they needed to let me go but it would have been nice if someone cared enough to ask why I haven’t been around. Instead Denise just sent me an email saying that I wasn’t holding up to my commitment and they had to let me go. I don’t know how a lot of these ladies do it. With being a mom, working, and everything else that goes in our lives how do they have time to fit everything in? I guess I just couldn’t make it work. Oh well.

1. You’ll have to wait until later this week for number one. I need to get a picture of it before I post about it.
Yahoo Shan, I was trying to wait so patiently to see your post! I really like Britt's idea of commenting for each thing so here goes:
10)I am right there with you on the old phone vs. new phone issue. Matt basically had to twist my arm to upgrade to the phone I have now & it is STILL a flip phone! :) Good luck!
9)I'm sorry to hear that you aren't having the best luck finding work! Have you thought about watching a couple of other kids? I know that is what my Mom did when she needed to help my Dad bring in a second income. If you get licenced through the state they will do food reimbursements and stuff. I know watching other people's kids can be tough, but it is an idea. :)
8)Ah, the dreaded Binky! I was so afraid to try and break Brin of hers! I think what we did was just slowly started letting her use it less and less. (It was always available when we were in public though!) Then finally when she wasn't so dependant we took it away all together & she was fine! If we have another binki-lover I am going to try cutting the end off & seeing if the desire for the binki is lost by the child. I have heard of people doing that before. Good luck with that too! :)
7)Oh no Shan! I can't believe they were that cruel to just email you your "notice"! I sort of felt the same way, as far as being too busy, and then when they added all the requirements of scrapping something with any kits you recieved I was like...no way! I don't know how the other ladies keep up either! Are you still doing CT LO's?
6)I love the autograph books! What a great idea & you are so nice to make them for all the kids not just E!! Did you get an autograph from everyone you hoped to? Where did you take them to have them bound & was it pretty cheap?
5)What a fun idea for your Mom's B-Day gift! I love to give sentimental gifts when I can and I bet your Mom will be so touched that you guys thought to have that quilt finished for her!
4)Way to go Jared! I knew he had lost weight, but 50 pounds-holy cow!! People who even have the desire to run a marathon impress me! haha Wish him luck for me! P.S. You guys are in a bug's land in that pic aren't you! That ride was so fun & the girls were so excited to ride in a rasin box! hehehe
3)I LOVE your Christmas cards!! I'm glad you are still planning to send them. The pics are too cute & isn't it fun being able to do a digi scrapped card? I am already looking forward to making our cards for next year! :)
2)That is so great that you got an ext. HD! I back up all my pics and all of my digital supplies & pages on mine. I am trying to talk Matt into letting me get a second one so that I don't have to store anything on our computer. It would run better with out having all of that on the hard drive! hehe It would probably help if our computer wasn't 5 years old! :)
1) I am dying to know what number one is! Make sure and leave a comment when you post it so we will know the secret's out! :)
Miss you Shan-I'm so glad I know a little more about what you are up to these days! :)
Fun update!! Here are my comments:
10) A new phone is ALWAYS hard to get used to! And I loved your cute pink flip phone!! But you'll get used to it and you'll LOVE getting your email on it. Once I got a Blackberry and started getting my email on it, I was hooked!
9) Aww shoot. Are you still watching those kids? Does that bring in enough money? I will keep my ears open. Would you ever consider going back to work for a doctor part time? I know you liked that.
8) Binkies. Eden did the Binkie fairy thing and it worked like a charm. But then Gracelyn did it and had a complete meltdown and wouldn't stop screaming until she got it back. But then they tried it again 6 months later and it worked perfectly. So - its all about timing I guess. Just try the binky fairy. You'll never know unless you try it.
7) I'm really sorry about the SMG. That's so weird. I'm sort of annoyed about it actually. And embarasssed. Even though I have absolutely nothing to do with the SMG anymore, I still feel a bit responsible somehow. I'm glad you're not dwelling on it. At least you'll have more free time. I'm really sorry.
6) Those books are seriously SOOOO CUTE! Have you posted 'em at SM yet? People will flip out! Les, I think Shan's mom bound them at her school, but comb binding at Kinkos or wherever isn't that expensive. What a treasure. And if there are characters he didn't get this trip, its something he can take back next time! How fun.
5) Love that quilt! What a sweet idea. She's going to LOVE IT!!! You never told me how your family photos were received. Did she love them??
4) WOW! 50 lbs?? I had no idea. That's so great. I am so NOT interested in running a marathon, but good on him for wanting to do it. Congrats to Jared. Awesome.
Wanna loose 5 lbs in a week? Get the flu! That's what I did the week before Disneyland.
3) Woo hoo. I'm a lucky one who got a card already. And they are sooo cute. I agree - its so nice to digi-scrap the card and not have to make them all. I did that our first year of marriage and it took me SOOO LONG!!! I think I made 75 cards.
2) YAY for backing up. YES!!!!! I back up everyday. You MUST backup Shan. Josh sees too many sad people bring in dead computers crying about losing their photos or memories. You have to back up!!!! I'm so glad you got such a nice surprise from your hubby!!
1) . . . hmm what could it be?! I can't wait to find out.
This is what I read on someone's FB post: "NO MORE BINKS. We sent Londyn's binks to the baby birds. And then we went to Build a Bear and she put one of her binks in the bear...that way she can ALWAYS sleep with one. She did really good putting the binks in the bear....not so much letting the balloons go. I will post pictures later." SOunds like a really good bink disappearing act to me!!
I've done the wean to night/nap, then it was just taken away. I didn't make him throw it (mean!) they just no longer existed. He got over it after about a week. Denver, however, we have yet to do. I'll probably do the same thing as Wyatt, just seems the least traumatizing. I figure that I gave it to him to start with, so I should just take it away in the end. No explaining, other than "it's gone."
Ok Shan, it is officially "later this week" & still no update as to what your #1 goings on is. :) If you don't tell us soon curiosity might just kill this cat! :) :)
P.S. I had every intention of texting to let you know I was doing the SS! Then Matt got home late, dinner started late, it made me late to the SS, & was so flustered I totally forgot!! :( Sorry! I will for SURE next time!
Oh ya LOL! Sorry I totally forgot about this...I'll update you right now :)
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