Thursday, July 23, 2009


Some people just need to mind their own business! So with in the last few days I've had 2 different people come up to me in the store and correct me about being a parent.

Day one: I was in the produce section and I of course have Ethan with me so I always have to find ways to entertain him while we shop. He LOVES to help me so I give him a bag and start to put apples in it. Some random lady comes up to me gasping and says "you shouldn't give your child a bag." I look at her and say "I'm watching him and he's being my little helper today" She then replies and says "well you just never know what will happen, he could easily choke on that bag." I was so mad!!! Mind your own business lady! First of all I'd like to think that I'm a good mother and know what I can give my child. Secondly have you ever been shopping with a 1 year old? It's hell!

Day two: I was looking at the vitamins at walmart and Ethan was at my feet unloading all of the ensure packages off the bottom shelf. I decided that it's no big deal because it quick and easy to pick up, the bottles are plastic and it's keeping him busy while I'm looking for some vitamins. Once again some random lady comes up to me gasping. She said "do you know what your child is doing?" YES! I have eyes that watch him constantly! I looked at her and said "yes, I know. I'll clean it up." She then says "well I just don't want him to get hurt." Do think seriously think I'd let my child play with something that would hurt him? Give me a brake! So she left, I found my vitamins and Ethan and I cleaned up his mess. He loved helping me clean it up and clapped his hands and cheered for being a good helper.

People blow me away! Mind your own business!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Only $6.45

So I started joining the many crazy ladys who do couponing and I'm LOVING it! Last week Jared and I went to Albertson's and I got all of this stuff for only $6.45! Can you believe that?