2. The first Step is Admitting you Have a Problem
I have made a personal goal not to go overboard with digital scrap booking this month. I got so excited with the challenges at Scrapmatters last month that it sort of overcame my life!! I ended up completing LO's for 14 different challenges & also did almost every speed scrap! Don't get me wrong, I had SO MUCH FUN, but my family suffered & I felt like my life was slipping out of balance. I now try to scrap on a reward system where I spend an equal amount of time cleaning or playing with the kids as I do scrapping. I haven't done a challenge for April yet, but I already have a few in mind that I am looking forward to doing. Oh, and I was totally surprised to find out that one of my LO's was a winner for last month, and it wasn't even random!! I was so flattered & still can't believe that I won. This is the LO that got picked: 3. If It's Not Broke-Don't Fix It
Matt finally convinced me to get a new phone. I've had mine for a couple of years now & have really liked it, plus there was nothing wrong with it! My time had come up for a new phone & it was driving him crazy that I wasn't jumping all over the chance to upgrade. He would hint about it almost every time we were in Costco (because they have a Verizon dealer booth in there), so I finally told him that if he would help me find a phone I liked that I'd switch. I decided on a new Motorola, and was nervous that I wouldn't know how to use a new phone very well. I actually LOVE it & am glad that Matt gave me the push I needed to get a new one. Plus we sold my old one for $40 bucks! Yea Baby!!
This is my old phone:And this is my new phone:
4. Do You Believe In Signs?
I don't know why but for some reason Minnie Mouse keeps popping into our lives lately. My niece Sierra was Minnie Mouse for Halloween, and her picture pops up on our screen saver occasionally & the girls always get so excited when they see it! Then, one day when it was snowing like crazy here I opened our curtains & noticed something weird down by the dumpsters. I was so curious to find out what it was, so I threw some shoes on & ran down with my camera to investigate. After I brushed the snow away my assumptions were correct-a HUGE paper mache Minnie Mouse! Then, about a week after that I woke up to find a mysterious plate of cupcakes on my counter that had been decorated with Jr. Mints, Mini Oreos, & Purple Frosting bows. Yup-Minnie Mouse again!! My visiting teacher had dropped them off at our door the night before. I haven't really been a big believer in signs, but I think someone is telling us to go to Disney Land! :) I'm ready for a vacation?5. Life Comes At You Fast
So, it seems like I was in High School yesterday & today I have 3 kids-THREE! Trinity somehow went from being 3 months old to 4 years old & Brinley went from being my cuddly little mamma's girl to a very articulate 2 1/2 year old. Then there is Grayden who thinks he can turn one in 3 more months & I just don't know how I feel about that! How did the time fly by so fast?? I feel so lucky to have such energetic, curious, determined, smart, beautiful, and healthy children. The girls LOVE to help out with Grayden anyway that I will let them, so I finally decided to give them the opportunity to feed him. Brinley was armed with squash & Trinity with carrots-both ready to give Grayden the best meal he had ever had. Unfortunately more of it ended up on his face & the floor than in his mouth. Oh well, they all had such a fun time & now the excitement of "feeding Grayden" is old news so I can do it more efficiently in peace!
Wow Les!! You really had a lot more interesting stuff to say than I did. I guess that's what having kids will do to ya!
Ok first of all - going through that manic addicted stage of digi-scrap is TOTALLY NORMAL. I did it too. But eventually you do find a balance and you don't have to go nuts with it. But its still TOTALLY enjoyable.
We got our new couch in November! Isn't it so nice to have new furniture. How cool that you sold your other set for $200! That's sweet. Craigslist is the best!!
Your new phone is sooo cute. I love the color. Josh is the same way about new phones though. I don't really care that much but he's all about getting new phones whenever we can. He's an iPhone guy now and he LOVES IT. So hopefully that will satisfy him for a while.
YES I BELIEVE IN SIGNS. You do need to go to Disneyland!!!!!! BUT its officially busy season there. So I would recommend saving your money now and going in the fall when its less busy. I could talk all day about Disneyland so don't get me started!
Those photos of the girls feeding Grayden are soooo cute. He's just the cutest boy ever. I have a hard time realizing you have THREE children when I still have zero. It's crazy!!! haha But I love that you're such a good mama and do such a good job taking pictures and documenting their lives.
Les you are so funny! I love that you took a picture of that funny looking minnie! Wouldn't it be fun to go to disneyland all together! That would be like the perfect vacation! Although Jared says he doesn't like disneyland (even though he's never been there) and doesn't want to go until Ethan is a little older and can really enjoy it. So I'll just have to enjoy disneyland some other way.
I totally had (and I think I'm still having) manic addiction to digi-scrap. Seriously I LOVE it!!! Thanks Britt for introducing it to me.
Your new phone is way cute! I think boys have a thing about having the latest and greatest new phone. Jared is the same way as your boys. Although we are way to poor for him to buy new phones so we have to wait until our contract is up. But he sure likes looking at them.
I still can't beleive that Grayden will be 1 in 3 months! That is CRAZY!!! Wow time really does fly by. Les-Has Matt started school yet? Are you a single parent? Will you guys be moving to Texas?
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