2.Cleaning. When I'm not chasing Ethan I'm cleaning and sometimes I'm doing both at the same time. I'm still cleaning for Martha and I'm very grateful for the job. She's in North Carolina visiting her daughter this week so I have some time off and it's so weird. I don't really know what to do with myself. Our laundry is done, the floors have been vacuumed and mopped our cupboards are filled with food. 
3. Scrapbooking. For awhile I was doing the Design Star contest at ScrapMatters so all of my extra time was creating new papers and elements and learning a TON! Now that I'm out I have time to do my own scrapbooking. I haven't done a ton of LOs but I have done a few. I'm still trying to find my balance between all of my roles... mom, wife, scrapbooker, housekeeper, cook, and the list goes on. But I love scrapbooking and I think I'll still try doing some designing. Designing is a lot of work but fun and rewarding at the same time. I totally have a new respect for all of the wonderful designers out there. Especially you Britt!

(My most recent LO)
4. Single Parent. Jared is in full swing of the busy, crazy and miserable time of year. He's way behind in his work and needs 2 more people to help him but Pinnacle made HUGE cut backs on their budget this year so he has to do everything on his own. Which means that he goes into work early and stays late. Most days I'm a single parent and it sucks!
4. Single Parent. Jared is in full swing of the busy, crazy and miserable time of year. He's way behind in his work and needs 2 more people to help him but Pinnacle made HUGE cut backs on their budget this year so he has to do everything on his own. Which means that he goes into work early and stays late. Most days I'm a single parent and it sucks!
5. Decorating my kitchen. I'm on GG's Digital Designs CT (which I LOVE) and she has this beautiful kit called "The Happy Place" When I first saw it I know it would look perfect in my kitchen. So I created 3 LOs and glued them on to some tiles and put them up above my cabinets. I'm still trying to figure out what else I should put up there with them and I really need to make some curtains to go on my back doors. Last Saturday I sent almost 2 hours at JoAnn's looking at fabric and trying to decided what to do. I'm the worst when it comes to make decision.

1 comment:
Ethan is so cute Shan! He's getting so big too. Gosh!!!
I wish I was as clean as you. I pretty much suck. I love a clean house, but Josh and I are the furthest things from neat freaks, so its easier to chill on the couch all night together rather than clean up!
You were ROCKING the Design Star contest. I can't believe how competitive it was. SOOO many amazing people were entered. I was VERY impressed with ALL your stuff. I didn't even know you knew how to do that stuff!! :) hehe I really hope you keep it up.
Christian and Marci are leaving for the summer on Saturday so I know its that crazy time of year for the industry. I was wondering how Jared was doing. Christian says everyone is short-handed around there. Sucks.
Oooooh those are cute tiles! I used to think I was good at interior design and decorating. Now I realize I was just dreaming. My house has a SERIOUS lack of style, which doesn't seem like me at all does it?! I am bad at making a decision, spending the dough, and just going for it. That's why I'm proud of our entertainment center. ahah And to answer the question - yes we got a new TV. Back in January. We compiled all our Christmas and my birthday money and it was almost enough to cover the whole thing! Woo hoo. It's soooo nice. I didn't think I really cared about a new TV. It was Josh who was desperate for one. But now that we have it, I of course, totally love it!
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