Friday, January 28, 2011

A sad moment

So today I was looking through some old photos of Ethan and I ended up watching all of the videos I have of him. After about the 10th one I started to cry because my boy is so big now. I'm so sad that time has slipped away from me so quickly. I've heard for many years now that I need to cherish each moment but I'm just now realizing how true that is. Maybe it's cuz I've spent most of the day yelling at him cuz my patients is very short or maybe it's cuz I just got done registering him for preschool (which is so surreal!) I miss my sweet baby boy. What am I going to do when Madelyn gets older. I already feel like she's growing way too fast.

This is the one that made me cry and realize how blessed I am.

Hug your kids extra tight today and give them one more kiss.


Unknown said...

CrAzy!!! He was so little. And those eyebrows haven't changed. :D

Brittney said...

Wow he was so little!! Time really does fly!

Leslie & Matt said...

I agree Shan! When you realize that a year has gone by, then another, then another its WAIT! I am not ready for things to go by so fast! That is why I am such a picture fanatic, but I also had that horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach last week thinking, "Did I take many movies of Gray as a baby? He isn't a baby anymore!" It was close to fear-the feeling I was having-and then I realized I can't go back, but promised myself to do better from here on out!