Friday, March 2, 2012

My progress

Britt has already seen this photo and already knows how things are going for me (thanks to instagram). But I thought I'd post here too.

As of Tuesday I have lost 20 lbs! Things are going really well for me. Some days are really hard and I find myself falling back into old habits of snacking and eating bad foods and other days I'm a rock star and stay on track with my plan. For the most part I've done great with my exercising. It's nice that Pinnacle has a free gym for me to use. It's kind of funny to go work out cuz it's usually me and a few crazy young dudes trying to put on muscle. Silly boys that run next to me and then go into the weight room and stare at themselves while they "pump iron" LOL! I just stay in my little world and do my cardio work out and enjoy whatever book I'm listening too (which has been the Hunger Games trilogy. Can I just say that those books are amazing. I was totally glued and couldn't wait to go to the work or to the gym just so I could listen to my book. ha!) is a beginning picture and an current picture. I'm not sure that you can even tell much has changed but I can. I'm down at least a size or two in my clothes and feeling like I have much more energy.

I'll keep you posted as things continue for me. This week seems to not be going so great. The scale is not moving much :(  So for the next 3 days I have to eat no carbs. Boo! I love carbs. 


Katie said...

YAY thanks for the update! hahaha :) I LOVE HUNGER GAMES. I am so excited to see it in the theater. I hope they do it justice. I will be so disappointed if they don't. They previews look great though!!! I'm excited for your journey... I watched what Dan did with my friend Kelly. She started at 220 and ended at 140. You should ask him to see her before and afters. It was seriously amazing. I can't wait to get started with Emilee!!!! I love their program and what it has to offer. Stick to it... and just remember everyone has hard days!!! Even Hollywood people eat candy every now and then! haha (Except maybe their drug of choice is alcohol. lol)

Brittney said...

I can TOTALLY see a difference. Wow Shan! That's fantastic. I'm so proud of you. Since the new year I've only lost about 10 lbs. but I think I gained half of it back at Disneyland. BOOOO. But oh well, it was a LOVELY week of eating yummy food and doing whatever I wanted. Gotta let yourself do that once in a while, right?

Anyway - CONGRATS and I can't wait to see you keep going! YAY

Leslie & Matt said...

Wow Shan, I really can see a difference! I remember how good it felt to be consistant & am looking forward to getting that back myself :) Keep up the good work!!