Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I need help

Just as a warning this post is completely selfish and a bit of a pity party. But that's the great things about blogs and friends. I can say what I need to say and know that you all will love me anyway. Perhaps I'll find what I need too :)

So this week marks the 16th week of my 24 week weight loss journey. As of today I have lost 31 lbs and 33lbs of fat. Which means that all 31lbs that I have lost are fat and I've gained a little bit of muscle.

Now I should be totally excited and proud of myself but I'm still struggling. I'm am proud of what I have done and realize that it's a great accomplishment. But these last 3 or 4 weeks have sucked! I've only lost about a 1lb a week and I just can't stop wanting to snack. Since Easter there has been way too much candy in my house and I often find myself having and little here and a little there. For the most part that is usually okay but I've also been slacking on doing my workouts. I only get 3 out of 4 days of cardio and 0 out of 2 days of weights. I've been telling myself that even if I'm losing only 1 lb a week that's still good but this week I only lost .4lbs. That is so bad. I have totally lost my motivation and after talking Dan he said that maybe I should take a few months off and then try again. That about brought me to tears cuz I feel like I would totally be giving up. I had this great goal in mind that by the time summer got hear I would have met my goal and be looking and feeling great. Dan explained to me that not only am I fighting and playing a weight loss game with my body but I am with my mind too. And if my head is not in the game then my body won't be either. Which makes sense but I really don't want to give up. I'm hoping this week I can figure out what my deal is and either buckle down and push through my slump or take a brake in hopes that when I come back I'll be able to really meet my goal.

Dan said I should do that whole biggest looser trick and put on a back pack that weighs 30lbs and wearing for about a half a day. Then take it off and realize what I have lost. He said maybe that will help me HA! Maybe I will do that. I need to do something to get my motivation back. This is getting so hard!!!

Maybe I'll take a picture of what I look like now and post a before and now pic. Maybe that will help.

Don't worry I'm just thinking about loud in hopes it helps. Thanks for reading/listening to me complain. Love and miss you all.


Katie said...

Don't be discouraged!!!!!! You're still losing but your body is probably hitting a comfortable weight for you and you have to push past it. At least you're not GAINING! :) Just think... if you lose too much too fast then you gain it back faster. The slower you lose the weight the more able you'll be to keep it off in the years to come. Keep trucking. It's not an easy thing to do. I know that Dan works wonders.... so listen to him. I've seen 1st hand what he's done. You should as him to see Kelly's before and afters. Seriously inspiring. I think she started around 220 and ended around 140. You can do it.... don't give up! Even if you're not losing a lot... you're still doing great!

Brittney said...

Don't get discouraged. It's totally a head game. I DO NOT think giving up for a few months is a good idea. You just gotta get remotivated. The 30lb backpack sounds awesome!! Good idea. I think you are looking great. I'm sorry the loss has slowed down. But it sounds like you know why! :)

Keep going!! You can totally do it!!!

Shantell said...

Thanks ladies. After having my pity party, talking to Jared and reading your comments I decided to finish strong and re-commit myself. Today I saw Dan and I'm now down 37.5lbs. Woohoo! I'm hoping to keep it up and finish out this crazy journey I started. Then I think the real test will start...keeping it all off.