Friday, August 22, 2008

More Friday Flashback

I found this random picture in a stack and had to show you guys. I totally remember playing Simpsons Monopoly in a car.  I feel like maybe we were at the airport?  But who's car is this?  And why were we playing in it at the airport?  Did I make the airport thing up?

I know I have more pictures of this too, but I can't find my albums or scrapbooks.  I think they are in a box buried in my mess of a den.  It's my goal to make some sense of that room tomorrow.  We'll see if it actually happens.  What do you guys remember about this photo?

(Oh - and isn't it a great photo?  Matt's face is half cut off and mine almost is! haha)


Shantell said...

I remember this too but I don't know why we are at the airport...maybe Matt was leaving so we all drove up with Les and just hung out until he had to go. I'm thinking we are in Leslie's parents car but I'm not sure. BUT I do remember Les taking that picture. My how I have changed. I'm so glad we are doing flashback friday. It's fun to see just how long we've been friends :)

Leslie & Matt said...

I also have this picture! We are in my Dad's truck & Matt had 45 minutes or so to kill at the airport, so we decided to spend it with him playing Simpson Monopoly. I am pretty sure that he is headed out to El Paso. And yes, I did cut off half of Matt's face & most of your cheek britt-so sorry! I remember leaning back into the door as far as I possibly could & still couldn't fit everyone. Oh well-hehehe