Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Just wondering how you are doing. I haven't heard from you in a long time and I was thinking about you. Just wanted to make sure that all is going well.

Love and miss you,


Leslie & Matt said...

I'm still kickin. :) I feel like I have been in the twilight zone as far as any blog or FB acticity goes (among other things). Matt had his two week anual training & left for that the day after we moved from our 3rd floor apt to a 1st floor apt in the same community.

So I was left...3 kids, prego & useless, surrounded by boxes and a very messy "new" home. I've been trying to get things back to "normal" & can't seem to get a good drive of energy to get much accomplished. He just got back two days ago & I really want to get all upacked by this weekend (but I'm not holding my breath!).

How are you ladies doing?

Brittney said...

So good to hear from you, Les! I've been wondering about you too!! I'm glad to hear you got a first floor unit! That's gotta be nice not to have to hike up the flights of stairs with arms full of groceries! HAHA

We're doing fine. We're in the midst of the process of buying our little house that we have been renting for the past two years. The owners are selling it to us. But since we're not rich and don't have the best credit in the world - its proving a slow and frustrating process. We have to close by the end of this month in order to get our big tax credit from the government, so I REALLY HOPE we make it!!!

Other than that, life's good. Just pluggin' away.

Shantell said...

I hate moving! And I can't imagine doing it while prego. Glad to hear the Matt's home safe and sound. And I hope you are able to get unpacked this weekend.

Britt I hope that all goes well with buying house. Keep us posted :)

We are doing good. I'm slowly going from room to room, closet to closet and getting rid of all of our CRAP! I'm feeling the "nesting" stage of being prego and trying to get ready for little baby girl Vidoni (still no names picked out). I'm hoping to schedule my c-section for Aug. 2nd which is only 7 weeks away...weird huh? Other then that all is well :)