Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sad News :(

So my little brother came home from him mission yesterday :(  It's kind of a combination of things, being homesick, the mission was getting hard and the biggest reason was that he didn't take care of things before he left. No one knows why or what his issues are (which is ok. That's between him and the lord) but it totally sucks! My mom is so upset with him right now and I'm just worried sick about him. If he can get things straightened out in 6 months then he can go right back to his mission. If it takes him a year then he'll have to go back to the MTC. He is not in a good place right now. He is very confused and as my mom says "wishy-washy." So any thoughts and prayers would greatly be appreciated. I know that Jamason could really use them. I'm sure that the next 6 months are going to be really hard and even harder when and if he chooses to go back out (which I'm hoping and praying that he does). I know it will be hard for him to say good-bye to everyone again. But I'm worried that if he doesn't go back out then he could easily fall away from the church. LOTS of people will ask him why he's home and why he didn't go back. I'm afraid he'll get offended and just stop going to church. I'm sort of at a loss and not sure what to do or how to help him. I know that I need to love him and support him but is there anything else?


Brittney said...

Oh dear. I'm so sorry Shan! I feel really bad for him, but I feel REALLY bad for your parents! The odds of missionaries going back aren't good, but he can TOTALLY do it. My mom's told me stories of missionaries she's checked into the MTC that have been there before and she says she's more proud of them than the ones who are checking in for the first time!

We'll pray for him. I think that's really all you can do! The rest is up to him.

Katie said...

Hey Shantell.... this happened to my brother, Lance. I don't know if you remember, it was our Senior year and we were actually in Denver at our winter guard competition... and my parents didn't tell me, they just showed up, and he was there too. It was all sorts of crazy around my house for a few months. I was too young to really realize the full effect of what was going on, but he tried to go back on his mission for a year. But in that time period... he met his wife. So they ended up getting married in the temple instead of him going back to serve.

If you really want some advice, I bet he would talk to you about it. You could probably email him or something. He had A LOT of repentance to go through.. and was disfellowshipped and everything. But he was so strong and really had that base testimony. If your brother has the firm base testimony... no matter what happens... everything will be okay. But.... really, let me know if you would like to email him! It's so hard on a family... I'll put his name on the prayer roll tonight at work!!