Friday, August 29, 2008

Flashback Friday

Speaking of the Stardust Lounge  . . . 

(Ok - I've been so excited about Flashback Friday ALL WEEK! haha)

Did we even have anywhere fun to go all dressed up like this for Halloween?   A party?  Anything?  I just remember dressing up and how much fun that was.  Leslie - it looks like I drew that mustache on your face or photoshopped it!  You are so creative to come up with that pipe cleaner mustache idea!! And you even have a pocket watch! haha

And Shan - your make up is so cool!  Who did it?  hehehehe  wink wink

We're fun.


Shantell said...

Wow! It's friday all ready! This week just flew by! I LOVE this picture! I remember going to someone's house but I don't even think we went in. We drove up...took a look and then left. I think it was Joanna's friends party...or something random like that. Did you go to Scott's house maybe and say hi. I think we may have done that too. Any whoo we are fun! I love our costumes. Are you guys going to dress up this halloween?

Leslie & Matt said...

Ah yes! I remember that night!! Britt you couldn't get your vampire dentures to stick to your teeth-they kept falling off! HAHA! I also remember that we drove up to a house having a party, but decided not to go in & then went to some guys' house which is where that pic was taken right? I also recall the double sided sticky tape I used to hold my mustache on hurting pretty bad when I tore it off-LOL! I slept over & left early the next morning at the news of Kim being in labor with Sierra. I spent the whole day in my costume at the AF hospital waiting for her to be born, but missed it because I finally had to leave for work!-sheesh! And HECK YES I am dressing up this year! I love that part!!

Brittney said...

No Les this is our bedroom at our apartment. I can't believe you guys both remembered that we went to a party but didn't' go in. I didn't remember that at all!

And I didn't remember that Kim had Sierra the next day! Wow - its awesome to hear what you guys remember about a photo!

We are TOTALLY dressing up! We usually do. We host a big family Halloween Party for my family and Josh's family. It's fun! I don't know what we're going to be this year. We were just talking about it a few days a ago.