Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our Love Sac Doesn't Love US!

So - one day Josh and I went to plop down in our giant 6' Love Sac, and a bunch of foam FLEW out of the little vents. We knew this could not be good. We opened the outter cover to find that the inner cover which holds all the foam bits had come unzipped somehow and was now ALL OVER inside our outter cover.

This Saturday we decided to do our best to fix the problem. We took off the outer cover and brushed it off as best as possible. Our cover is knit (like a sweatshirt material) so the foam clung to it like crazy. This was the messiest most annoying job EVER!!

We picked up all of the big pieces by hand and shoved it back in that stupid sac and zipped it up tight. I put a safety pin under the zipper so it can't come down again. If you have a Love Sac, I suggest you do the same!!!

Then we had to vacuum up all the tiny pieces that were all over.

And then vacuum off the sac itself.

Our cool soft blue outter cover was a lost cause. I tried washing and drying it but after two cycles its still got little pieces all over it. It's like an old sweater that needs to be shaved. I think we have to throw it away. Which TOTALLY BLOWS because those things are friggin' expensive! Luckily we have this nylon "all-weather" one that came free with the sac, so at least we have something to cover it in the mean-time.

It was a MESSY frustrating annoying task. But at least its done now. Don't you just love spending your time on stuff like that!?


Shantell said...

That sucks!!! what a horrible job but at least it's done and over with. Do you have a dyson vaccum? If so I am totally jealous!!! I want one so bad but they are mucho $ and we only have 3 bedrooms with carpet...everything else is laminate flooring. Maybe if I'm really good this year Santa will bring me one. He he he!

ps our pics are super cute!

Brittney said...

We do have a Dyson. We got in on Woot.com for only $250!! Sometimes they come up again. If I ever see one I'll let you know. We love it! :)

Leslie & Matt said...

That is a sad, but funny story! Aren't you afraid of the safety pin gettng bent & poking you in the rear?? I would be-hehehe! Hopefully I don't jynx you by mentioning it. Think of it more as a friendly warning. :)

Brittney said...

We were a little afraid of that too, so we'll check it every once in a while so see if its bending. It's one of those big heavy duty ones so we should be ok.

Unknown said...

Wow, sorry that happened, I just saw a facebook post on these the other day. So I went about my search seeing user reviews. For the amount of money they charge for these, I would have contacted them. I do thank you for the review and pictures. I will take a guess this was never a future purchase again.