Thursday, August 28, 2008

For the love of Friends

Ok so I was watching this the other night and started to laugh out loud. It reminds me of all of our days of watching Friends in the apartment on 5th North in Provo. What was that place called? The one with the spiral staircase.

I couldn't find the right clip so you'll have to fast forward and watch from 3:12 to 4:43. Chandlers face is hilarious. If you haven't seen this episode it's super funny!


Brittney said...

The Stardust Lounge!! What a fun time in our life. :) I STILL watch Friends ALL the time. It's the best to have on in the background while I work. This is an awesome episode!! But I love them all!

Leslie & Matt said...

I never got really into Friends, but I did laugh pretty hard at Chandler's face as he gagged on the blaster gun! Oh my-I love him in the movie Fools Rush In oh-AND in Three To Tango. Such good movies!! Oh, and I also noticed that one of the babies that they are babysitting is named Leslie! Does that mean that my name is "cool" since it is used on friends!?!