Thursday, August 6, 2009

Don't know what to do

So a lady in my ward asked if I'd be interested in babysitting for her on Thursdays while she works. It would be from 8:30am - 5:30pm. I'd have 1 one year old and 1 four year old. Then I'd have her six year old from 4 until 5:30pm. She pays $50 a day. At first I was all for it but now I'm wondering if $50 is worth it. What do you think? Is $50 a day worth babysitting 3 kids?


Katie said...

That's pretty good for older kids... Brenika's day care I took her to for a while I paid 2.75 an hour... and she was more expensive cause she was an infant. So that is good money.... but it's only 1 day a week. I don't know what I would do.... it would be pretty easy to schedule around your 1 babysitting day, and if the $50 is worth it then do it... but if you don't NEED the money.... I probably wouldn't. HAHA I probably didn't help you much. :)

Beau and Jen said...

Liz pays $2.50 a hr for her sitters (Eli is 5 and Bre is 9) thats $200 more a month ... sounds pretty good to me. especially if you don't have much going on anyways. because someone doesn't want to be bothered! :) see if you can do a trial run and see how E does with the kids. and then you should plan activities or something to do while they come so that you have something for them to do and they don't get bored and become more of a hand full and unhappy.

Good Luck!

what does Jared think?

Unknown said...

I second Jen's motion. I, personally, would say a BIG FAT NO! However, you know that I struggle to be a good mom to my own. That would be my only reason not to. I watched Bre when she was 2 & it was annoying more than anything, but I also had no kids of my own & it was on my one day off a week. I actually considered offering to watch Eli this year b/c Liz is struggling to find a "plan". Then I remembered how nice it is to only deal with my own children when I have busy days ahead. ANYWHO...
if you're unsure, do what Jen said & see if it's worth it to you. Field Trip days could become a very fun thing for E to look forward to & it would help him learn to get along with other kids better. He would be a better big brother (when the time comes) if he's regularly exposed to other children who are obeying you. ;) good luck <3