Monday, January 9, 2012

5 facts about Shan

I miss both of you...all of the time! I am so grateful for amazing technology like Facebook and Instagram so that I can see what my BFFs are up to :) (ps. Les I really wish you were on Instagram. I feel like it is a great way for me to keep in touch with Britt. Don't you feel that way Britt?)

I was just thinking about you Les and wondering if Matt was home yet. I'm so excited for you and the kids to see him. I bet he can't wait to snuggle all of you and hold you every last second he has to be home. Do you have any fun plans while he is home? Even just everyday life with Matt being home will be fun I'm sure. How are the kids doing?

I would LOVE to see you in March. When is Kelly due? Will you be here in time to see her baby? So crazy that she's having a baby. I feel like Kelly is still so little. How is she feeling about being a mom? Is she living with your parents right now? Weren't they gonna buy some crazy bus and turn it into a camper?

7! What?! I remember when that little princess was born. How can she be 7? We are getting old aren't we.

You know what I love about you Les? You are not afraid to try new things and put yourself out there. Even when Matt is gone and it means you have to have a neighbor or ward member watch your kids. If I was in your situation I don't know if I could do that. I think I'd become a homebody. More then I am now.

So Britt, do they know what happened with your Grammy? Did she pass away in her sleep? I am so sad for your family and have been praying for you. I hope that you are able to find peace soon. Exciting thought will be that your family will be able to do her temple work some day. Won't that be a special day?!

Scarlett is the cutest little munchkin ever! I LOVE checking Instagram and seeing all of the photos you take of her. Makes me want to take more of my kids. I know this will sound a bit crazy but be grateful she isn't crawling yet. Once they can move they don't stop. Ha! I'm sure Les knows what I mean. Although there is something very exciting about when they do learn to move.

I totally understand the whole stay organized and small house thing. I can spend all day cleaning and putting things away and by then end of the night it looks like I did NOTHING! This has to do with that fact that I have two very busy children that I can't keep up with. And they haven't learned how to put things away. I HATE putting toys away! It is long and painful because I'm trying to teach Ethan  how to clean up and he is so slooooow. I just want to do it all for him but realize that that does me no good in the long run.

94 pages! That is awesome! I really want to do more scrapping and printing. I pulled out Ethan's book and the kids loved looking at them. I need to print more too. I have a ton of pages done and not printed. Are you printing your pages at persnickety prints?

I love when my house smells good too. Maybe I'll have to give that wax melter a try. Is it really strong? Sometimes candles will give me a headache if the smell is really strong.

Wow this post is going to be long but oh well :) Here are my five facts:

One: Jared and I are seeing a nutritionist. His name is Dan and I love him. He is so encouraging and so realistic. For a long time (like since I had Ethan) I have not been happy with who I am. Meaning that I hate my body. I hate the shape that it's in. Right after I had Ethan I remember looking into the mirror and just crying because I didn't see myself. I saw this overweight fat person. But I have never had the motivation and dedication to actually do something about it....until now. I'm not sure what has changed and why I'm feeling like I need to do this but I do so I'm going to take this opportunity and run with it. I'm only a week into it but I have high hopes and a realistic view. I know that this is a long journey but one that I MUST make. I want to be here on this earth as long as I can and take care of this body in a way that is pleasing to Lord. I hope that he will bless me with the strength to make changes and become a better me.

Two: I have a dream. It's crazy and totally out there but it's a dream. I really want to have a craft blog that is successful enough to help support our family. Do you follow Shelly at House of Smiths? I think she is wonderful and has such an inspiring store. I'd love to be like her.

Three: Madelyn's shoe is lost and it's making me crazy. My friend gave Madelyn a pair of Toms black glitter shoes and I can't find one of the shoes! I have looked everywhere and still can't find it. I even dug through the garbage. I'm hoping it will magically appear some where but I'm really afraid it got thrown away with last weeks garbage. Totally random fact I know but something that consumes my mind ha!

Four: Primary! Did you know that I'm the first counselor in our primary presidency? It often costumes me. Especially on Sundays. I love it but am so sad because my primary president just found out she is pregnant and is actively looking for a new house. She wants to move before she has her baby. That means that either I could become the president or loose my calling. Two options I'm not totally excited about.

Five: I have a job. I'm work at the Sleep Ridge golf course cleaning their clubhouse at night. I only work 3 nights a week for about 2 to 2 1/2 hours. I enjoy it for the most part. The pay isn't super great but it does help out our family.

And there you have it. Five very random facts about me :)


Brittney said...

Let me first answer your questions.

My grandma fell and broke her hip the morning of New Year's Eve. She went in for surgery that afternoon and didn't make it through. The doctor said everything was going perfectly and then suddenly she was gone. They think it must have been a major blood clot. But its a blessing to go that way because she didn't suffer one tiny bit. She wasn't even scared. It was unexpected, but still a very good thing for her.

Les - YES!! I wish you were on instagram! I LOVE how I get to know silly everyday things going on in Shan's life. You gotta get an iPhone and get on instagram!! It's the best.

Yes, I'm printing at Persnickety Prints. It's only slightly more expensive than Costco, but like 5,000xs better printing. Their prints are stunning!

The wax melter can be a little strong. You probably wouldn't like to have it like right next to your couch or like right next to you in the kitchen. But it would be good to like put on top of your entertainment center or something like that. If its too strong, you could always return it.

Ok - and now my comments on your facts:

CONGRATS on seeing a nutritionist. That's AWESOME. I totally know what that little switch is that puts your butt in gear. I've had that switch turn on and off several times in my life. Right now its on again. My family started a "Rodee Biggest Loser" contest. We're all weighing in and whoever loses the most (based on a percentage system) wins CASH! We're all putting in $10 and my parents are putting in matching money. We all need to be healthier. Sometimes I wonder if its all a big ploy by my parents to get me to lose weight, since I'm OBVIOUSLY the fattest in the family. But I'm probably just paranoid.

I haven't followed House of Smiths faithfully, but I LOVE blogs like that. Someday when I can retire from digi-scrap design I'd like to continue on my blog in that sort of fashion. I don't really get how people get sponsors and make money off their blogs, but its obviously possible!!! LOTS of mommy bloggers are doing it these days. Shan - you are totally talented, crafty and clever. I could definitely see you having a money-making blog! Go for it girl!!!!!!!!

I LOVE TOMS GLITTER SHOES. Marci has a pair, and so does Scotty's wife Audra and I'm always jealous when I see them wear them. I'm sooooo sorry one is lost. That is the most frustrating feeling ever. We lost Scarlett's red bullseye blankie back in October and I still find myself digging through her closet for the 500th time expecting to find it. It's lost and gone forever and I have to accept it, but its still so frustrating. Mostly because they don't sell them anymore at Disneyland so I can't even replace it. GRRRR. So - here's hoping the shoe turns up. I'm really sorry.

Primary! Oh Primary. I'm a Primary teacher right now and loving it. I can totally see you rockin' that calling Shan.

I didn't know you were working at night! How long have you been doing that? Josh loves golfing at Sleepy Ridge.

Ok - I gotta get back to work. LOVE YOU LADIES!

Shantell said...

I've been meaning to reply to your comment forever. Like the day you wrote it but I'm just now getting around to it.

I'm so sad to hear how your grandma died. But it was obviously her time to go. I hope your family has been able to find comfort and peace.

Hot Dog for the Rodee biggest looser. That sounds fun! Esepically if your parents are matching what everyone is putting in. That'd be awesome if you won that and I know that you totally can. Maybe we could do a little keep track of how each other is doing on the blog. Since I started with Dan (the nutritionist) I've lost 9 lbs all of which is fat. WOO HOO! I'm totally excited about that :)

Speaking of our blog do you think we should make it private? I was looking at it the other day and it said we had 68 page views! What?! Why are so many people looking at our blog. I kind of want it to be private so that I'm a little more comfortable sharing everything with you gals. Ya know. But we don't have to. Just a thought.

So I'm really seriously thinking about starting the crafty blog. What do you think of the name puppy paws and pigtails? I was trying to come up with something catchy and a little clever. I got the idea one day when Madelyn had pigtails in her hair and her and Ethan were pretending to be doggies (a usual occurance at our house). Let me know what you think.

Oh and I Still haven't found the other shoe :( I think I'm gonna give up for a while.