Sunday, January 8, 2012

Do you think we should consider changing the name of this blog?

I was SHOCKED when I saw that the last post on here was back in Sept! Maybe we should just change the name of the blog to, "Let's Catch up Girlfriend!" hahaha :)

Why does life have to be so busy? I can't list things specifically that keep me from blogging, but for some reason it doesn't make it on my list of daily priorities. However, thinking of you two wonderful ladies does cross my mind on an almost daily basis. I often think, "I bet Shan's little cutie pie is doing this about now?" After I watch Pasey do something cute. Or I think, "Hmm, I wonder what Disney movie Britt has watched recently?", as I look through our stash of movies to find something for Grayden & Brinley to watch. I look at my toes and cringe thinking what a shame it is that I only get a pedicure when I have my two "besties" by my side. (Its a shame because of how horrible and crusty my feet are!) SO, I guess what I'm trying to say is-I MISS YOU GUYS!!

Here are a few fun facts that you may not know:

-Matt is coming home for a 2 week R&R, oh and it is THIS FRIDAY!
-I want to try and come for a visit in UT for Trin's spring break in March
-My parents sold their house, built a new one in Spanish Fork, and moved in on C-Mas weekend
-Trinity will be 7 on the 19th. Holy cow-I will have a SEVEN year old?!
-I have been going to ward choir and LOVE it! I am wishing I would have taken a few choir classes in high school, just so I could have learned more and improved my singing skills as the alto that I never knew I could be!

Ok, there are 5 little tid-bits about me. Now, what are you ladies up to?

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