Sunday, August 24, 2008

Guess who has a new calling!!

Josh and I got called to the nursery today.  It's our first time in the nursery officially (I think I've subbed before).  We accepted the calling after sacrament meeting and two minutes later we were on the floor of the nursery playing with kiddos.  

I thought it was pretty fun.  Tiring, but fun.  Josh thought it was a little too wild.  We had twelve kids today, and 6 adults.  So - its not bad.  One of the other teachers (a man) played some REALLY rowdy wild game with the kids that surprised me!  But I guess they are going to start rotating us out on a monthly basis so that we can still attend relief society and priesthood.  I don't really know exactly how that will work, but I'm just loving that we have a calling together.


Shantell said...

How fun! I love kids! Jared and I have been in the primary for 2 1/2 years now so I'm jealous that they are going to rotate you in and out. I miss RS and often times feel like I don't know anyone in my ward. But I know all of the kids :) Anywho Congrats! I know you guys will be AWESOME teachers :)

Leslie & Matt said...

FUN! I loved when Matt and I had a calling together-ours was for the activities commitie. Sounds like the "rowdy" guy needs a hint that kids don't usually need extra help getting crazy! HAHA!!