Wednesday, February 4, 2009

BBQ Anyone?

BBQ sauce makes everything taste better, doesn't it? Well, it does at our house! Just ask our girls & they can testify that straight BBQ sauce for dinner is the perfect meal! However, for those of us who like things with our BBQ sauce I have this yummy & easy dinner idea: (You may already have it-or one like it)

BBQ Chicken Sandwiches

I don't have an exact recipe so I'll just tell you how I make it.

Throw 2 bone less chicken breasts into the crock pot & put enough water in so they are almost covered. I usually put mine in frozen & then leave them on high for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Then scoop out about 2 cups of the water & add a bottle of BBQ sauce. YES, I put in the whole thing. Switch it to Low & let it cook for another hour-then go back and shred all the chicken & mix the sauce all into it. I let it sit for about another half hour (still on low) & serve it on a hamburger bun with whatever sides sound good & easy. It is finger lickin good!! (AND SO EASY!!

You can also freeze it and heat it up so fast! Sorry if I always add recipes that are "old news"! I'm trying to get more creative, but it isn't working out to well for me! hehe


Brittney said...

This is not at all "old news" to me! I've never made this!!! Thanks! I LOVE BBQ anything!

Shantell said...

This isn't old news to me! This is great Les and so easy. I'm totally adding this one to my shopping list too!