Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Let's Catch Up

Ok everyone has to do their own post with 5 things they've been up to lately. We really need to catch up.

1) New entertainment center. We FINALLY got a new entertainment center.  No more TV sitting on an ugly old coffee table.  We got it at Ikea for a great deal, but it was a little crazy getting it together.  Good thing Josh is smart.  I'm trying to fill the shelves, decorate it and make it cute. As soon as its cute, I'll post a picture.

2) Soccer. Josh plays soccer at least once or twice a week these days. He's been on a team for a while now called the Hooligans. But some guys in the ward just found out he plays so they've invite him to play with them too. Plus he watches soccer games on TV like everyday. So - yes, soccer has become quite a big part of our lives these days.  In fact, he's off playing soccer right now.

3) New nieces coming soon. Tami (my SIL) is due in about 2 weeks and my cousin Morgan is due in about 3 weeks. Both are having baby girls!! It's Tami's first girl. She has three boys, so its super exciting. I think they are naming her Ava. And then we even get to go to Phoenix to visit Morgan at the end of the month. Josh can't stay the whole time, so I get to stay longer and fly home. So, I'll be there for the birth of her baby. They are naming her Addison.  I know technically Morgan's girls are not my nieces, but they might as well be. They call me Aunt Brittney! So - we have two new little girls coming to meet us very soon!

4) Taxes. Don't they suck?? Being self-employed is the worst. You have to pay so much and you have to be super responsible and save up all year to pay them so you don't all of a sudden owe a ton of money and not have it to pay. The great thing this year is, since its my first year with a substantial income as a digital designer, I get to write off/deduct all my office expenses like my computer, my new desk I got for Christmas, all that jazz. And my dad does our taxes for free so that's awesome too. So - we aren't having to pay much at all this year!!! WOO HOO. It's like getting a tax return sort of because we have all this money saved thinking we were going to owe a ton. We haven't had a tax return in a REALLY long time, so we're stoked. Too bad we can't do something fun with the money. We'll be paying off some old debt instead.

5) Work. Things with ScrapMatters have been busy lately. I've had a TON of new kits out lately, as you probably noticed. But I feel a little scattered behind the scenes. I just get easily stressed and annoyed. I don't want to get into the full details here on the blog, but there are just things that could run so much more simply and smoothly if it were up to me. You know? I really really love my job though and I LOVE working from home. I'm ruined for ever having to work outside the home again. I set my own schedule, wear sweats, sometimes go without makeup (today). It's the best. PLUS I love that when we eventually have kids I'll be to able to keep up a little income without leaving the home. Not that there's any way I could keep working the hours I currently do after I have kids. But still - its nice to have a job that allows such flexibility.

Ok girls - your turns. Make a post and tell me 5 things you've been up to. You've read mine, so you know they don't have to be exciting. We've had NOTHING exciting going on at all, but there are still at least 5 things you can tell me!


Leslie & Matt said...

I love this idea! I really do feel a little more caught up on your life. I'll get started on mine!

Shantell said...

So did you guys get a new TV or just a new entertainment center? IKEA always reminds be of you and when we went there in Seattle. Remember how we filled the car with all of our stuff? That was fun trip!

I totally forgot that Tami is having a girl!!! That is sooo exciting for them! You'll have to post lots of pictures. And how exciting for you to go see Morgan. I bet her baby is going to be super cute.

You have had so many super cute kits Britt. I think your talent is truely amazing. I think everything you create is by far the best at ScrapMatters. Seriously you can tell that you are creating so much of your kits from scratch. I love what you do!