Monday, April 6, 2009

What did you learn?

So this weekend was pretty good but hard at the same time. It was much harder to listen to conference then I thought. Jared had to work Saturday and Ethan was very tired and grouchy all day Sunday. I recorded everything so that I can go back and watch it but I was wondering what you learned this weekend? Did anything stand out to you? From what I did listen to I gained a better appreciation for temples. I love the temple and after listen this weekend I'm making it a goal to go at least once a month. So what inspired you?

(ps have you ever been on top of the conference center? I had no idea there was a garden on top)


Brittney said...

I didn't know there was a garden up there either how cool. I REALLY loved the talk on Saturday morning about provident living. "Living joyfully within our means". Saving up and spending money on things that will bring us joy and memories. I was really inspired to make sure we continue to live "providently"!!

Shantell said...

That was a good talk. One of the few that I was able to listen to that morning. I thought it was totally appropriate for this day and age.

Leslie & Matt said...

I also recorded all the sessions of conference because I was afraid I would miss so much! I was able to listen to more than I thought I would & I took quite a few little things from it. I felt a great deal of thanks to live in the time period that I do when the story was told of the woman who lost all of her small children while traveling to Germany. The faith that she had was a great inspiration to me to be a better mother & be more greatful for my kids & to have more patience with them. I also felt inspired to ACT more on my food storage efforts, and I also realized that I need to excercise the privelidge to attend the temple. That was a great post Shan! Thanks!!!