Thursday, October 30, 2008

Scared to DEATH!

Ok so I'm obviously not dead but Jared scared me so bad this morning I was crying. Let me start from the beginning. I had to go visiting teaching this morning so I got up before Jared and Ethan and jumped into the shower. Once I was out of the shower I realized that I couldn't hear any noises so I assumed that Jared and Ethan were still asleep. I continued on with my daily routine of putting lotion on my legs. I had one leg on the toilet with my back to the door and started rubbing my lotion in. As I was doing this I was thinking about the episode of Criminal Minds that I had watched the night before. It was about this serial killer that went from home to home killing people in their homes while they were sleep. All of a sudden the bathroom door opens and lightly touches my bum as it goes by. Then I hear this very low voice say "roar" I turn around and start screaming at the top of my lungs. It was like this slow motion thing. Once I turned around I couldn't stop scream but I realized that it was just Jared coming in with Ethan in his arms. Poor Ethan just started crying and so did I. I was terrified and I don't know why. My only guess is that I watch too many scary shows on TV. I love to watch CSI, Criminal Minds, Law & Order and all of those other shows that are murder mystery.

Well to top off my morning Jared did even apologize for scaring me. He was just annoyed with me! All he had to say was that I was being a baby.


Beau and Jen said...

LOL!!! Oh Shanny! I can totally see your face, screaming, Ethan with big eyes wondering why the heck his mom is screaming and Jared like what the heck! HAHAHA i can't stop laughing! Great story!!

Unknown said...

nice. you are a NERD. yes, it's all the dirty shows. You silly, I'd have loved to be a fly on the wall at that moment. :P

Brittney said...

Oh my gosh! SO funny Shan. Laughed really hard out loud.

Leslie & Matt said...

Wow, how sad and funny all at once! I freak myself out at home all the time! I can't even watch a scary movie trailer because I get all freaked out someone is going to break in and kill us!!