Friday, November 7, 2008

Color Guard Flashback Friday

Hey guys!  I'm getting a late start to the Flashback Friday!  Sorry.  It's been a crazy day.  I found a couple photos of us bawlin' like babies after our last performance of our Vivaldi show.

Weren't those costumes hideous?  Oh brother.  The show rocked.

Ok - well - I'll talk to you chickies later!  Have a great weekend.  Love you both.


Leslie & Matt said...

I love seeing pictures that I have NEVER seen before! Yes, those dresses were less than beautiful! I have been looking forward to Fridays, but my scanner is still on the fritz, so I can't scan any of the pictures that I want to post. Thanks for a goodie!

Shantell said...

I love this post! Great photos Britt. Isn't funny how emotional we were about color guard. I look so weird and young in that picture! Do you guys still have your little bears that were dressed up like us for this year? They had the same tie-die dress and a cute little flower halo thing.