Thursday, December 4, 2008

When will it end?

Have you missed me? I've missed you guys. We been battling sickness for the past 10 days. It all started the Monday before Thanksgiving when Jared and I were getting ready for bed and heard a terrible noise coming from Ethan's room. We both ran in there to find Ethan covered in vomit. Jared grabbed Ethan and cleaned him up while I cleaned up his bed. He continued to be sick for the next few days and just when I thought things were getting back to normal I got sick. Wednesday night I was throwing up and by Thursday (Thanksgiving day) I was feeling well enough to eat crackers and water so we packed up the car and went to St. George (we were supposed to leave Tuesday night). We made it just in time for dinner and I ate very little be was able to hold everything down. Ethan seemed to be doing just fine but the next day while Jared and I were eating breakfast Ethan looked at me and threw up AGAIN! So Jared took Ethan to the bathroom to clean him off while Jared's mom and I cleaned up the throw up. I HATE THROW UP! More then I hate poop!
So then Ethan seemed to be getting better but on Sunday Jared and I were rushing to get ready for church when we realised that his parents were sick in bed. They had been up all night sick and not only were they sick but Ethan had terrible diarrhea. I went from stinky throw up to gross poop! So by Monday night we knew we had to go home. Jared parents were feeling better and Ethan seem to be doing good. Just as we were getting ready to leave we realized that Ethan had a fever and was not doing so well. We gave him some Tylenol and hoped he'd sleep the whole way home. About 30 miles outside of Nephi Ethan woke up screaming and I could smell something very stinky...he pooped! So Jared had to pull over and I had to change his diaper on the front seat of the car. It was lovely! Poop had leaked out so not only did I have to change is diaper but his clothes too. Ahhh! When will this end!

Well we made it home and Ethan slept through the night but come Tuesday he was barfing again along with his fever and then there was more barfing on Wednesday and he still had his fever and for a bonus he got a runny nose. I took him to the doctor today and she told me that he could have a number of things but that they were all viruses so I just have to wait it out. Good news was that he didn't have an ear infection. He's sleeping now and I'm praying that he's getting better. I don't know how much for of the crying and whining I can take. I just wish my little boy was feeling better.

Oh and to top things off my house is covered in dog hair! While we were gone Jared let Chad and his dog stay in our house and because Ethan has been so sick I have not had a chance to clean my house. GROSS!


Brittney said...

WHAT?! Why didn't Chad clean up his OWN dang dog hair?!?!!! You poor thing! There are some serious viruses going around! Sounds majorly contagious too. I want to come over and clean and help you but I'm a little scared. I just got done being sick and I could not cope if I got sick again this season!

Leslie & Matt said...

Aw Man! Puke, Diareah, Dog Hair, Whole Family Sick at once!! That sounds like a horror story of a Mom's life! I hope everyone is fianlly on the up and up!! We have had a spell of gross-ness at our house too! I'll blog about it!