Thursday, January 22, 2009

I Hate Shopping

There was another one of those quizzes on the Sweet Shoppe Blog this week and since I hate shopping I thought it would be funny to see what that says about me . . .

You Are a Reluctant Shopper

You really don't enjoy shopping. For you, it's just another chore.

You approach shopping systematically. You research what you're going to buy and come prepared with a list.

Of all the types, you are the most likely to not buy things you don't need.

You try to de-emphasize stuff in your life. You find shopping and buying things to be a rather empty experience.

EXACTLY right on. If I was a skinny size 4, maybe clothes shopping would be fun. Or if money weren't an issue, any and all shopping would be fun. Maybe. But I hate to shop. It's not something I enjoy. I know I think I'm in the minority of most girls in this. Anyway - random little quiz, but its accurate.

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