Monday, September 29, 2008

Here comes my Tag...

3 Joys:
1. Matt
2. My Kids
3. Going to Church

3 Fears:
1. Never moving back to UT
2. Losing a loved one
3. Water (not small amounts of course-I do take an occasional bath!) hehe

3 Goals:
1. Exercise at least twice a week
2. Make "good" dinners
3. Have a better "daily routine"

3 Current Obsessions
1. Reading 2 books by Super Nanny Jo Frost
2. Internet (whether it's checking my email, blogging, or attempting to digi scrap)
3. Organizing/Unpacking-It is KILLING me that we're not done yet!!

3 Random/Surprising Facts
1. I dance around the house like a total dork with my kids once in a while. I turn on the radio & just run around flailing my arms, legs, and pretty much all other free moving body parts!! (If you count fat deposits as free moving body parts that is! LOL!) If anyone can see me through our huge window they are probably reminded of someone such as Napoleon Dynamite, Elaine from Seinfeld, or any of the cast members on the Breakfast Club!! (The Girls Love it!)
2. I buy things for people & intent on sending them a fun little surprise, but then I never actually send the stuff! I now have a closet full of random things that I personally have no use for, but can't seem to get into a box with a label and stamp! Wish me luck on that one!
3. I collect pens and pencils. Not on purpose, but when I see them at the store I am drawn to them. I think it is because I love making lists, because lists make me feel organized, so therefore pens and pencils make me feel organized too! I have a plastic bin FULL of random pens and pencils. I will sit down and go through the bin testing each one to see if it still works. If it writes then I keep it, if it doesn't then it gets tossed in the trash. Trinity actually helped me do this before we moved & she will probably want to help me when I do it again. I often take a good pen from the doctors office & feel bad for it later. I just can't help myself!!

1 comment:

Shantell said...

Les I love you! I can totally see you dancing around the house with your girls. I hope I can be that kind of mom. I find myself more & more often not spending good quality time with Ethan. I'm always on the go and he just gets to tag along. I want to be like you! You are a great mom!